Source code for search

The main export of the search module is the function :meth:`search_for_sequences`,
which is a stochastic local search for finding DNA sequences to assign to
:any:`Domain`'s in a :any:`Design` to satisfy all :any:`Constraint`'s.
Various parameters of the search can be controlled using :any:`SearchParameters`.

Instructions for using the nuad library are available at

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import math
import itertools
import os
import shutil
import sys
import logging
from collections import defaultdict, deque
import as abc
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Tuple, FrozenSet, Dict, Callable, Iterable, \
    Deque, TypeVar, Generic, Iterator, Any
import statistics
import textwrap
import re
import datetime
from functools import lru_cache

import pint

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
        from typing_extensions import Literal
    except ImportError as err:
        print('If you are using Python prior to version 3.8, you need to install the typing_extensions\n'
              'package in order to use nuad. Exiting.')

from tabulate import tabulate
import numpy.random
from ordered_set import OrderedSet
import numpy as np  # noqa

import as nnp

# XXX: If I understand ThreadPool versus Pool, ThreadPool will get no benefit from multiple cores,
# but Pool will. However, when I check the core usage, all of them spike when using ThreadPool, which
# is what we want (all processes going full).
# So clearly I don't understand the difference between ThreadPool and Pool.
# Actually I can't really find any official documentation of ThreadPool, though it has the same API as Pool.
# I'm using ThreadPool instead of Pool mainly because Pool
# is a pain to call; all information must be pickle-able, but the only functions that are pickle-able are
# defined at the top level of a module. The constraints call local functions defined by the user or by us in
# higher-order functions such as rna_duplex_strand_pairs_constraint, so it's not clear how to use Pool.
# There may also be a performance overhead for doing this pickling, but I don't know because I haven't
# tested it.
# from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
# from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
import pathos

from nuad.constraints import Domain, Strand, Design, Constraint, DomainConstraint, StrandConstraint, \
    DomainPairConstraint, StrandPairConstraint, ConstraintWithDomainPairs, ConstraintWithStrandPairs, \
    logger, all_pairs, ConstraintWithDomains, ConstraintWithStrands, \
    ComplexConstraint, ConstraintWithComplexes, Complex, DomainsConstraint, StrandsConstraint, \
    DomainPairsConstraint, StrandPairsConstraint, ComplexesConstraint, DesignPart, DesignConstraint, \
    DomainPair, StrandPair, SingularConstraint, BulkConstraint
import nuad.constraints as nc

from nuad.stopwatch import Stopwatch

def new_process_pool(cpu_count: int) -> pathos.pools.ProcessPool:
    return pathos.pools.ProcessPool(processes=cpu_count)

_process_pool: None | pathos.pools.ProcessPool = None

log_names_of_domains_and_strands_checked = False
pprint_indent = 4

def default_output_directory() -> str:
    return os.path.join('output', f'{script_name_no_ext()}--{timestamp()}')

# This function takes a lot of time if we don't cache results; but there's not too many different
# combinations of inputs so it's worth it to maintain a cache.
def find_parts_to_check(constraint: nc.Constraint[DesignPart], design: nc.Design,
                        domains_changed: None | Tuple[Domain]) -> Tuple[DesignPart, ...]:
    if domains_changed is not None:
        domains_changed_full: OrderedSet[Domain] = OrderedSet(domains_changed)
        for domain in domains_changed:
            domains_in_tree = domain.all_domains_in_tree()
            if len(domains_in_tree) == 1:
                # no need to add if the "tree" is just this domain
                assert domains_in_tree[0].name ==
        if len(domains_changed_full) > len(domains_changed):
            domains_changed = tuple(domains_changed_full)

    parts_to_check: Tuple[DesignPart, ...]
    if isinstance(constraint, ConstraintWithDomains):
        parts_to_check = _determine_domains_to_check(design, domains_changed, constraint)
    elif isinstance(constraint, ConstraintWithStrands):
        parts_to_check = _determine_strands_to_check(design, domains_changed, constraint)
    elif isinstance(constraint, ConstraintWithDomainPairs):
        parts_to_check = _determine_domain_pairs_to_check(design, domains_changed, constraint)
    elif isinstance(constraint, ConstraintWithStrandPairs):
        parts_to_check = _determine_strand_pairs_to_check(design, domains_changed, constraint)
    elif isinstance(constraint, ConstraintWithComplexes):
        parts_to_check = _determine_complexes_to_check(domains_changed, constraint)
    elif isinstance(constraint, nc.DesignConstraint):
        parts_to_check = tuple()  # not used when checking DesignConstraint
        raise AssertionError('should be unreachable; type of constraint not recognized:\n'
                             f'type(constraint) = {type(constraint)}\n'
                             f'constraint = {constraint}')

    return parts_to_check

# XXX: important that this is absolute constant. Sometimes this is called for the total weight of all
# violations, and sometimes just for the difference between old and new (the latter are smaller).
# If using relative epsilon, then those can disagree and trigger the assert statement that
# checks that _violations_of_constraints quit_early agrees with the subroutines it calls.
_epsilon = 0.000001

def _is_significantly_greater(x: float, y: float) -> bool:
    return x > y + _epsilon

def _is_significantly_less(x: float, y: float) -> bool:
    return x < y - _epsilon

def _is_significantly_different(x: float, y: float) -> bool:
    return abs(x - y) > _epsilon

def _at_least_one_domain_unfixed(pair: Tuple[Domain, Domain]) -> bool:
    return not (pair[0].fixed and pair[1].fixed)

def _determine_domains_to_check(design: Design,
                                domains_changed: None | Tuple[Domain],
                                constraint: ConstraintWithDomains) -> Tuple[Domain, ...]:
    Determines domains to check in `all_domains`.
    If `domains_new` is None, then this is all that are not fixed if
    is None, otherwise it is
    If `domains_new` is not None, then among those domains specified above,
    it is just those in `domains_new` that appear in `all_domains`.
    # either all pairs, or just constraint.pairs if specified
    domains_to_check_if_domain_changed_none = tuple( \
        if is None else

    # filter out those not containing domain_change if specified
    domains_to_check = tuple(domains_to_check_if_domain_changed_none) if domains_changed is None \
        else tuple(domain for domain in domains_to_check_if_domain_changed_none
                   if domain in domains_changed)

    return domains_to_check

def _determine_strands_to_check(design: Design,
                                domains_changed: None | Tuple[Domain],
                                constraint: ConstraintWithStrands) -> Tuple[Strand, ...]:
    Similar to _determine_domains_to_check but for strands.
    # either all pairs, or just constraint.pairs if specified
    strands_to_check_if_domain_changed_none = design.strands \
        if constraint.strands is None else constraint.strands

    # filter out those not containing domain_change if specified
    strands_to_check = []
    if domains_changed is None:
        strands_to_check = tuple(strands_to_check_if_domain_changed_none)
        for strand in strands_to_check_if_domain_changed_none:
            for domain_changed in domains_changed:
                if domain_changed in

    return tuple(strands_to_check)

def _determine_domain_pairs_to_check(design: Design,
                                     domains_changed: None | Tuple[Domain],
                                     constraint: ConstraintWithDomainPairs) -> Tuple[DomainPair, ...]:
    Determines domain pairs to check between domains in `all_domains`.
    If `domain_changed` is None, then this is all pairs where they are not both fixed if constraint.pairs
    is None, otherwise it is constraint.pairs.
    If `domain_changed` is not None, then among those pairs specified above,
    it is all pairs where one of the two is `domain_changed`.
    # some code is repeated here, but otherwise it's way too slow on a large design to iterate over
    # all pairs of domains only to filter out most of them that don't intersect domains_new
    if domains_changed is None:
        # either all pairs, or just constraint.pairs if specified
        if constraint.domain_pairs is not None:
            domain_pairs_to_check = tuple(DomainPair(domain1, domain2)
                                          for domain1, domain2 in constraint.domain_pairs)
            pairs = all_pairs(, with_replacement=constraint.check_domain_against_itself,
            domain_pairs_to_check = tuple(DomainPair(domain1, domain2) for domain1, domain2 in pairs
                                          if not (domain1.fixed and domain2.fixed))

        # either all pairs, or just constraint.domain_pairs if specified
        if constraint.domain_pairs is not None:
            domain_pairs_to_check = tuple(DomainPair(domain1, domain2)
                                          for domain1, domain2 in constraint.domain_pairs
                                          if domain1 in domains_changed or domain2 in domains_changed)
            domain_pairs_to_check = []
            for domain_changed in domains_changed:
                for other_domain in
                    if domain_changed is not other_domain or constraint.check_domain_against_itself:
                        if nc.not_subdomain(domain_changed, other_domain):
                            domain_pairs_to_check.append(DomainPair(domain_changed, other_domain))
            domain_pairs_to_check = tuple(domain_pairs_to_check)

    return domain_pairs_to_check

def _at_least_one_strand_unfixed(pair: Tuple[Strand, Strand]) -> bool:
    return not (pair[0].fixed and pair[1].fixed)

def _determine_strand_pairs_to_check(design: Design,
                                     domains_changed: None | Tuple[Domain],
                                     constraint: ConstraintWithStrandPairs) -> Tuple[StrandPair, ...]:
    # Similar to _determine_domain_pairs_to_check but for strands.
    # some code is repeated here, but otherwise it's way too slow on a large design to iterate over
    # all pairs of strands only to filter out most of them that don't intersect domains_new
    if domains_changed is None:
        # either all pairs, or just constraint.strand_pairs if specified
        if constraint.strand_pairs is not None:
            strand_pairs_to_check = constraint.strand_pairs
            pairs = all_pairs(design.strands, with_replacement=constraint.check_strand_against_itself)
            strand_pairs_to_check = tuple(StrandPair(strand1, strand2) for strand1, strand2 in pairs)
        strand_pairs_to_check = []
        if constraint.strand_pairs is not None:
            for pair in constraint.strand_pairs:
                for domain_changed in domains_changed:
                    if domain_changed in or domain_changed in
                        break  # ensure we don't add the same strand pair twice
            for domain_changed in domains_changed:
                strands_with_domain_changed = [strand for strand in design.strands
                                               if domain_changed in]
                for strand_with_domain_changed in strands_with_domain_changed:
                    for other_strand in design.strands:
                        if (strand_with_domain_changed is not other_strand or
                            strand_pairs_to_check.append(StrandPair(strand_with_domain_changed, other_strand))
        strand_pairs_to_check = tuple(strand_pairs_to_check)

    return strand_pairs_to_check

def _determine_complexes_to_check(domains_changed: Iterable[Domain] | None,
                                  constraint: ConstraintWithComplexes) -> Tuple[Complex, ...]:
    Similar to _determine_domain_pairs_to_check but for complexes.
    # filter out those not containing domain_change if specified
    if domains_changed is None:
        return constraint.complexes
        complexes_to_check: List[Complex] = []
        for strand_complex in constraint.complexes:
            complex_added = False
            for strand in strand_complex:
                for domain_changed in domains_changed:
                    if domain_changed in
                        complex_added = True

                if complex_added:
                    # Need to break out of checking each strand in complex since we added complex already

        return tuple(complexes_to_check)

def _strands_containing_domains(domains: Iterable[Domain] | None, strands: List[Strand]) -> List[Strand]:
    :param domains:
        :any:`Domain`'s to check for, or None to return all of `strands`
    :param strands:
        `strands` in which to search for :any:`Strand`'s that contain `domain`
        If `domain` is None, just return `strands`, otherwise return :any:`Strand`'s in `strands`
        that contain `domain`
    if domains is None:
        return strands
        # ensure we don't return duplicates of strands, and keep original order
        strands_set = OrderedSet(strand for strand in strands for domain in domains
                                 if domain in
        return list(strands_set)

_empty_frozen_set: FrozenSet = frozenset()

def _independent_domains_in_part(part: DesignPart, exclude_fixed: bool) -> Tuple[Domain, ...]:
    :param part:
        DesignPart (e.g., :any:`Strand`, :any:`Domani`, Tuple[:any:`Strand`, :any:`Strand`])
    :param exclude_fixed:
        whether to exclude :any:`Domain`'s with :data:`Domain.fixed` == True
        independent, non-fixed (if exclude_fixed is True) domains associated with part
        (e.g., all domains in :any:`Strand`), with dependent domains substituted with their
        independent source via Domain.independent_source()
    # first compute "direct" domains that appear directly on strands
    domains: List[Domain]
    if isinstance(part, Domain):
        domains = [part] if not (exclude_fixed and part.fixed) else []
    elif isinstance(part, Strand):
        domains = if not exclude_fixed else list(part.unfixed_domains())
    elif isinstance(part, DomainPair):
        domains = [domain for domain in part.individual_parts() if not (exclude_fixed and domain.fixed)]
    elif isinstance(part, (StrandPair, Complex)):
        domains_per_strand = [ if not exclude_fixed else strand.unfixed_domains()
                              for strand in part.individual_parts()]
        domain_iterable: Iterable[Domain] = _flatten(domains_per_strand)
        domains = list(domain_iterable)
        raise AssertionError(f'part {part} not recognized as one of Domain, Strand, '
                             f'DomainPair, StrandPair, or Complex; it is type {part.__class__.__name__}')

    # Convert direct domains to independent domains.
    # If multiple dependent domains map to the same indepedent domain d_i, only add d_i once
    independent_domains = []
    for domain in domains:
        independent_domain = domain.independent_source()
        if independent_domain not in independent_domains:

    return tuple(independent_domains)

T = TypeVar('T')

def remove_none_from_list(lst: Iterable[T | None]) -> List[T]:
    return [elt for elt in lst if elt is not None]

def _sequences_fragile_format_output_to_file(design: Design,
                                             include_group: bool = True) -> str:
    return '\n'.join(
        f'{}  '
        f'{ if include_group else ""}  '
        f'{strand.sequence(delimiter="-")}' for strand in design.strands)

def _write_intermediate_files(*, design: nc.Design, params: SearchParameters, rng: numpy.random.Generator,
                              num_new_optimal: int, directories: _Directories,
                              eval_set: EvaluationSet) -> None:
    num_new_optimal_padded = f'{num_new_optimal}' if params.num_digits_update is None \
        else f'{num_new_optimal:0{params.num_digits_update}d}'

    _write_design(design, params=params, directories=directories,

    _write_rng_state(rng, params=params, directories=directories,

    _write_sequences(design, params=params, directories=directories,

    _write_report(params=params, directories=directories,
                  num_new_optimal_padded=num_new_optimal_padded, eval_set=eval_set)

def _write_design(design: Design, params: SearchParameters, directories: _Directories,
                  num_new_optimal_padded: str) -> None:
    content = design.to_json()

    best_filename = directories.best_design_full_filename_noext()
    idx_filename = directories.indexed_design_full_filename_noext(num_new_optimal_padded) \
        if params.save_design_for_all_updates else None
    _write_text_intermediate_and_final_files(content, best_filename, idx_filename)

def _write_rng_state(rng: numpy.random.Generator, params: SearchParameters, directories: _Directories,
                     num_new_optimal_padded: str) -> None:
    state = rng.bit_generator.state
    content = json.dumps(state, indent=2)

    best_filename = directories.best_rng_full_filename_noext()
    idx_filename = directories.indexed_rng_full_filename_noext(num_new_optimal_padded) \
        if params.save_design_for_all_updates else None
    _write_text_intermediate_and_final_files(content, best_filename, idx_filename)

def _write_sequences(design: Design, params: SearchParameters, directories: _Directories,
                     num_new_optimal_padded: str, include_group: bool = True) -> None:
    content = _sequences_fragile_format_output_to_file(design, include_group)

    best_filename = directories.best_sequences_full_filename_noext()
    idx_filename = directories.indexed_sequences_full_filename_noext(num_new_optimal_padded) \
        if params.save_sequences_for_all_updates else None
    _write_text_intermediate_and_final_files(content, best_filename, idx_filename)

def _write_report(params: SearchParameters, directories: _Directories,
                  num_new_optimal_padded: str, eval_set: EvaluationSet) -> None:
    content = summary_of_constraints(params.constraints, params.report_only_violations,

    best_filename = directories.best_report_full_filename_noext()
    idx_filename = directories.indexed_report_full_filename_noext(num_new_optimal_padded) \
        if params.save_report_for_all_updates else None
    _write_text_intermediate_and_final_files(content, best_filename, idx_filename)

def _write_text_intermediate_and_final_files(content: str, best_filename: str,
                                             idx_filename: str | None) -> None:
    with open(best_filename, 'w') as file:
    if idx_filename is not None:
        with open(idx_filename, 'w') as file:

def _clear_directory(directory: str, force_overwrite: bool) -> None:
    files_relative = os.listdir(directory)
    files_and_directories = [os.path.join(directory, file) for file in files_relative]

    if len(files_and_directories) > 0 and not force_overwrite:
        warning = f'''\
The directory {directory} 
is not empty. Its files and subdirectories will be deleted before continuing. 
To restart a previously cancelled run starting from the files currently in 
call search_for_sequences with the parameter restart=True.
        done = False
        while not done:
            ans = input(f'Are you sure you wish to proceed with deleting the contents of\n'
                        f'{directory} ([n]/y)? ')
            ans = ans.strip().lower()
            if ans in ['n', '']:
                print('No problem! Exiting...')
            if ans == 'y':
                done = True
                print(f'I don\'t understand the response "{ans}". '
                      f'Please respond n (for no) or y (for yes).')

    files = [file for file in files_and_directories if os.path.isfile(file)]
    subdirs = [subdir for subdir in files_and_directories if not os.path.isfile(subdir)]
    for file in files:'deleting file {file}')
    for sub in subdirs:'deleting subdirectory {sub}')

class _Directories:
    # Container for various directories and files associated with output from the search.
    # Easier than passing around several strings as parameters/return values.

    # parent director of all output; typically named after script being run
    out: str

    # directories "fully qualified relative to project root": out joined with "subdirectory" strings below
    design: str = field(init=False)
    rng_state: str = field(init=False)
    report: str = field(init=False)
    sequence: str = field(init=False)

    # relative to out directory
    design_subdirectory: str = field(init=False, default='designs')
    rng_state_subdirectory: str = field(init=False, default='rng')
    report_subdirectory: str = field(init=False, default='reports')
    sequence_subdirectory: str = field(init=False, default='sequences')

    # names of files to write (in subdirectories, and also "current-best" versions in out
    design_filename_no_ext: str = field(init=False, default='design')
    rng_state_filename_no_ext: str = field(init=False, default='rng')
    sequences_filename_no_ext: str = field(init=False, default='sequences')
    report_filename_no_ext: str = field(init=False, default='report')

    debug_file_handler: logging.FileHandler | None = field(init=False, default=None)
    info_file_handler: logging.FileHandler | None = field(init=False, default=None)

    def all_subdirectories(self, params: SearchParameters) -> List[str]:
        result = []
        if params.save_design_for_all_updates:
            result.extend([, self.rng_state])
        if params.save_sequences_for_all_updates:
        if params.save_report_for_all_updates:
        return result

    def __init__(self, out: str, debug: bool, info: bool) -> None:
        self.out = out = os.path.join(self.out, self.design_subdirectory)
        self.rng_state = os.path.join(self.out, self.rng_state_subdirectory) = os.path.join(self.out, self.report_subdirectory)
        self.sequence = os.path.join(self.out, self.sequence_subdirectory)

        if debug:
            self.debug_file_handler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(self.out, 'log_debug.log'))

        if info:
            self.info_file_handler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(self.out, 'log_info.log'))

    def indexed_full_filename_noext(filename_no_ext: str, directory: str, idx: int | str,
                                    ext: str) -> str:
        relative_filename = f'{filename_no_ext}-{idx}.{ext}'
        full_filename = os.path.join(directory, relative_filename)
        return full_filename

    def best_full_filename_noext(self, filename_no_ext: str, ext: str) -> str:
        relative_filename = f'{filename_no_ext}_best.{ext}'
        full_filename = os.path.join(self.out, relative_filename)
        return full_filename

    def indexed_design_full_filename_noext(self, idx: int | str) -> str:
        return self.indexed_full_filename_noext(self.design_filename_no_ext,, idx, 'json')

    def indexed_rng_full_filename_noext(self, idx: int | str) -> str:
        return self.indexed_full_filename_noext(self.rng_state_filename_no_ext, self.rng_state, idx, 'json')

    def indexed_sequences_full_filename_noext(self, idx: int | str) -> str:
        return self.indexed_full_filename_noext(self.sequences_filename_no_ext, self.sequence, idx, 'txt')

    def indexed_report_full_filename_noext(self, idx: int | str) -> str:
        return self.indexed_full_filename_noext(self.report_filename_no_ext,, idx, 'txt')

    def best_design_full_filename_noext(self) -> str:
        return self.best_full_filename_noext(self.design_filename_no_ext, 'json')

    def best_rng_full_filename_noext(self) -> str:
        return self.best_full_filename_noext(self.rng_state_filename_no_ext, 'json')

    def best_sequences_full_filename_noext(self) -> str:
        return self.best_full_filename_noext(self.sequences_filename_no_ext, 'txt')

    def best_report_full_filename_noext(self) -> str:
        return self.best_full_filename_noext(self.report_filename_no_ext, 'txt')

def _check_design(design: nc.Design) -> None:
    # verify design is legal in senses not already checked

    for strand in design.strands:
        for domain in
            # noinspection PyProtectedMember
            if domain._pool is None and not (domain.fixed or domain.dependent):
                raise ValueError(f'for strand {}, it has a '
                                 f'non-fixed, non-dependent domain {} '
                                 f'with pool set to None.\n'
                                 f'For domains that are not fixed and not dependent, '
                                 f'exactly one of these must be None.')
            # noinspection PyProtectedMember
            elif domain._pool is not None and domain.fixed:
                raise ValueError(f'for strand {}, it has a '
                                 f'domain {} that is fixed, even though that Domain has a '
                                 f'DomainPool.\nA Domain cannot be fixed and have a DomainPool.')
            elif domain._pool is not None and domain.dependent:
                raise ValueError(f'for strand {}, it has a '
                                 f'domain {} that is dependent, even though that Domain has a '
                                 f'DomainPool.\nA Domain cannot be dependent and have a DomainPool.')

[docs] @dataclass class SearchParameters: """ This class describes various parameters to give to the search algorithm :meth:`search_for_sequences`. """ constraints: List[Constraint] = field(default_factory=list) """ List of :any:`constraints.Constraint`'s to apply to the :any:`Design`. """ probability_of_keeping_change: Callable[[float], float] | None = None """ Function giving the probability of keeping a change in one :any:`Domain`'s DNA sequence, if the new sequence affects the total score of all violated :any:`Constraint`'s by `score_delta`, the input to `probability_of_keeping_change`. See :py:meth:`default_probability_of_keeping_change_function` for a description of the default behavior if this parameter is not specified. """ random_seed: int | None = None """ Integer given as a random seed to the numpy random number generator, used for all random choices in the algorithm. Set this to a fixed value to allow reproducibility. """ never_increase_score: bool | None = None """ If specified and True, then it is assumed that the function probability_of_keeping_change returns 0 for any negative value of `score_delta` (i.e., the search never goes "uphill"), and the search for violations is optimized to quit as soon as the total score of violations exceeds that of the current optimal solution. This vastly speeds up the search in later stages, when the current optimal solution is low score. If both `probability_of_keeping_change` and `never_increase_score` are left unspecified, then `probability_of_keeping_change` uses the default, which never goes uphill, and `never_increase_score` is set to True. If `probability_of_keeping_change` is specified and `never_increase_score` is not, then `never_increase_score` is set to False. If both are specified and `never_increase_score` is set to True, then take caution that `probability_of_keeping_change` really has the property that it never goes uphill; the optimization will essentially prevent most uphill climbs from occurring. """ out_directory: str | None = None """ Directory in which to write output files (report on constraint violations and DNA sequences) whenever a new optimal sequence assignment is found. """ on_improved_design: Callable[[int], None] = lambda _: None """ Function to call whenever the design improves. Takes an integer as input indicating the number of times the design has improved. """ restart: bool = False """ If this function was previously called and placed files in `out_directory`, calling with this parameter True will re-start the search at that point. """ force_overwrite: bool = False """ If `restart` is False and there are files/subdirectories in `out_directory`, then the user will be prompted to confirm that they want to delete these, UNLESS force_overwrite is True. """ debug_log_file: bool = False """ If True, a very detailed log of events is written to the file debug.log in the directory `out_directory`. If run for several hours, this file can grow to hundreds of megabytes. """ info_log_file: bool = False """ If True, the text written to the screen through (on the logger instance used in dsd.constraints) is written to the file log_info.log in the directory `out_directory`. """ report_only_violations: bool = True """ If True, does not give report on each constraint that was satisfied; only reports violations and summary of all constraint checks of a certain type (e.g., how many constraint checks there were). """ max_iterations: int | None = None """ Maximum number of iterations of search to perform. """ target_score: float | None = None """ Total violation score to attempt to obtain. A score of 0.0 represents that all constraints are satisfied. Often a search can get very close to score 0.0 quickly, but take a very long time to reach a score of 0.0. Set this to a small positive value to allow the search to quit before all constraints are satisfied, but they are "mostly" satisfied. """ max_domains_to_change: int = 1 """ Maximum number of :any:`constraints.Domain`'s to change at a time. A number between 1 and `max_domains_to_change` is selected uniformly at random, and then that many :any:`constraints.Domain`'s are selected proportional to the score of :any:`constraints.Constraint`'s that they violated. """ num_digits_update: int | None = None """ Number of digits to use when writing update number in filenames. By default, they will be written using just enough digits for each integer, (for example, for sequences) sequences-0.txt, sequences-1.txt, ..., sequences-9.txt, sequences-10.txt, ... If num_digits_update=3 is specified, for instance, they will be written sequences-000.txt, sequences-001.txt, ..., sequences-009.txt, sequences-010.txt, ..., sequences-099.txt, sequences-100.txt, ..., sequences-999.txt, sequences-1000.txt, ..., i.e., using leading zeros to have exactly 3 digits, until the integers are sufficiently large that more digits are required. """ warn_fixed_sequences: bool = True """ Log warning about sequences that are fixed, indicating they will not be re-assigned during the search. """ save_report_for_all_updates: bool = False """ A report on the most recently updated :any:`Design` is always written to a file `current-best-report.txt`. If this is True, then in the folder `reports`, a file unique to that update is also written. Set to False to use less space on disk. """ save_design_for_all_updates: bool = False """ A serialized (JSON) description of the most recently updated :any:`Design` is always written to a file `current-best-design.json`. If this is True, then in the folder `dsd_designs`, a file unique to that update is also written. Set to False to use less space on disk. """ save_sequences_for_all_updates: bool = False """ A list of sequences for each :any:`Strand` of most recently updated :any:`Design` is always written to a file `current-best-sequences.txt`. If this is True, then in the folder `sequences`, a file unique to that update is also written. Set to False to use less space on disk. """ log_time: bool = False """ Whether to log the time taken per iteration to the screen. """ scrolling_output: bool = True r""" If True, then screen output "scrolls" on the screen, i.e., a newline is printed after each iteration, e.g., .. code-block:: console $ python using random seed of 1; use this same seed to reproduce this run number of processes in system: 4 |-----------|--------|-----------|-----------|----------|---------------| | iteration | update | opt score | new score | StrandSS | StrandPairRNA | | 0 | 0 | 2555.9 | 2545.9 | 118.2 | 2437.8 | |-----------|--------|-----------|-----------|----------|---------------| | iteration | update | opt score | new score | StrandSS | StrandPairRNA | | 1 | 1 | 2545.9 | 2593.0 | 120.2 | 2425.6 | |-----------|--------|-----------|-----------|----------|---------------| | iteration | update | opt score | new score | StrandSS | StrandPairRNA | | 2 | 1 | 2545.9 | 2563.1 | 120.2 | 2425.6 | |-----------|--------|-----------|-----------|----------|---------------| | iteration | update | opt score | new score | StrandSS | StrandPairRNA | | 3 | 1 | 2545.9 | 2545.0 | 120.2 | 2425.6 | |-----------|--------|-----------|-----------|----------|---------------| | iteration | update | opt score | new score | StrandSS | StrandPairRNA | | 4 | 2 | 2545.0 | 2510.1 | 121.0 | 2423.9 | If False, then the screen output is updated in place: .. code-block:: console $ python using random seed of 1; use this same seed to reproduce this run number of processes in system: 4 |-----------|--------|-----------|-----------|----------|---------------| | iteration | update | opt score | new score | StrandSS | StrandPairRNA | | 27 | 14 | 2340.5 | 2320.5 | 109.6 | 2230.9 | This is done by printing the symbol '\r' (carriage return), which sets the print position back to the start of the line. The terminal screen must be wide enough to handle the output or this won't work. The search also occassionally logs other things to the screen that may disrupt this a bit. """ def __post_init__(self): self._check_constraint_types() def _check_constraint_types(self) -> None: idx = 0 for constraint in self.constraints: if not isinstance(constraint, Constraint): raise ValueError('each element of constraints must be an instance of Constraint, ' f'but the element at index {idx} is of type {type(constraint)}') idx += 1
[docs] def search_for_sequences(design: nc.Design, params: SearchParameters) -> None: """ Search for DNA sequences to assign to each :any:`Domain` in `design`, satisfying the various :any:`Constraint`'s in :data:`SearchParameters.constraints`. **Search algorithm:** This is a stochastic local search. It determines which :any:`Constraint`'s are violated. More precisely, it adds the total score of all violated constraints (sum of :data:`constraints.Constraint.weight` * score_of_violation over all violated :any:`Constraint`'s). The goal is to reduce this total score until it is 0 (i.e., no violated constraints). Any :any:`Domain` "involved" in the violated :any:`Constraint` is noted as being one of the :any:`Domain`'s responsible for the violation, i.e., is "blamed". For example, if a :any:`DomainConstraint` is violated, only one :any:`Domain` is blamed, whereas if a :any:`StrandConstraint` is violated, every :any:`Domain` in the :any:`Strand` is blamed. However, fixed domains (those with :data:`constraints.Domain.fixed` = True) are never blamed, since their DNA sequences cannot be changed. While any :any:`Constraint`'s are violated, a :any:`Domain` is picked at random, with probability proportional to the total score of all the :any:`Constraint`'s for which the :any:`Domain` was blamed (so probability 0 to pick a :any:`Domain` that is fixed or that was involved in no violations). A new DNA sequence is assigned to this :any:`Domain` by calling :meth:`constraints.DomainPool.generate_sequence` on the :any:`DomainPool` of that :any:`Domain`. The way to decide whether to keep the changed sequence, or revert to the old sequence, can be configured, but the default is to keep the change if and only if it does not increase the total score of violations. More generally, we calculate the total score of all violated constraints in the original and changed :any:`Design`, calling their difference `score_delta` = `new_total_score` - `old_total_score`. The value ``probability_of_keeping_change(score_delta)`` is the probability that the change is kept. The default function computing this probability is returned by :meth:`default_probability_of_keeping_change_function`, which simply assigns probability 0 to keep the change if `score_delta` is positive (i.e., the score went up) and probability 1 otherwise. In particular, the change is kept if the score is identical (though this would happen only rarely). One reason to favor this default is that it allows an optimization that speeds up the search significantly in practice: When evaluating constraints, once the total score of violations exceeds that of the best design so far, no further constraints need to be evaluated, since we can decide immediately that the new design change will not be kept. The :any:`Design` is modified in place; each :any:`Domain` is modified to have a DNA sequence. If no DNA sequences are assigned to the :any:`Domain`'s initially, they are picked at random from the :any:`DomainPool` associated to each :any:`Domain` by calling :py:meth:`constraints.DomainPool.generate_sequence`. Otherwise, if DNA sequences are already assigned to the :any:`Domain`'s initially, these sequences are used as a starting point for finding sequences that satisfy all :any:`Constraint`'s. (In this case, those sequences are not checked against any :any:`NumpyFilter`'s or :any:`SequenceFilter`'s in the :any:`Design`, since those checks are applied prior to assigning DNA sequences to any :any:`Domain`.) The function has some side effects. It writes a report on the optimal sequence assignment found so far every time a new improve assignment is found. Whenever a new optimal sequence assignment is found, the following are also be written to files: * DNA sequences of each strand are written to a text file . * the whole design itself * a report on the DNA sequences indicating how well they do on constraints. :param design: The :any:`Design` containing the :any:`Domain`'s to which to assign DNA sequences and the :any:`Constraint`'s that apply to them :param params: A :any:`SearchParameters` object with attributes that can be used to specify options for the search. """ if params.random_seed is not None:'using random seed of {params.random_seed}; ' f'use this same seed to reproduce this run') # keys should be the non-independent Domains in this Design, mapping to the unique Strand with a # StrandPool that contains them. # domain_to_strand: Dict[dc.Domain, dc.Strand] = _check_design(design) design.compute_derived_fields() design.check_all_subdomain_graphs_acyclic() design.check_all_subdomain_graphs_uniquely_assignable() design.check_names_unique() _check_design(design) directories = _setup_directories(params) if params.random_seed is not None: rng = np.random.default_rng(params.random_seed) else: rng = nnp.default_rng if params.probability_of_keeping_change is None: params.probability_of_keeping_change = default_probability_of_keeping_change_function(params) if params.never_increase_score is None: params.never_increase_score = True elif params.never_increase_score is None: params.never_increase_score = False assert params.never_increase_score is not None cpu_count = nc.cpu_count()'number of processes in system: {cpu_count}') # need to assign to local function variable so it doesn't look like a method call on_improved_design: Callable[[int], None] = params.on_improved_design try: if not params.restart: assign_sequences_to_domains_randomly_from_pools(design=design, warn_fixed_sequences=params.warn_fixed_sequences, rng=rng, overwrite_existing_sequences=False) num_new_optimal = 0 else: num_new_optimal, rng_restart = _restart_from_directory(directories, design, params) if rng_restart is not None: rng = rng_restart eval_set = EvaluationSet(params.constraints, params.never_increase_score) eval_set.evaluate_all(design) if not params.restart: # write initial sequences and report _write_intermediate_files(design=design, params=params, rng=rng, num_new_optimal=num_new_optimal, directories=directories, eval_set=eval_set) iteration = 0 stopwatch = Stopwatch() while not _done(iteration, params, eval_set): if params.log_time: stopwatch.restart() _check_cpu_count(cpu_count) domains_new, original_sequences = _reassign_domains(eval_set, params.max_domains_to_change, rng) # evaluate constraints on new Design with domain_to_change's new sequence eval_set.evaluate_new(design, domains_new=domains_new) # uncomment to debug if violations/evaluations appear to be getting updated incorrectly # _double_check_violations_from_scratch(design=design, params=params, iteration=iteration, # eval_set=eval_set) _log_constraint_summary(params=params, eval_set=eval_set, iteration=iteration, num_new_optimal=num_new_optimal) # based on total score of new constraint violations compared to optimal assignment so far, # decide whether to keep the change score_delta = -eval_set.calculate_score_gap() prob_keep_change = params.probability_of_keeping_change(score_delta) keep_change = rng.random() < prob_keep_change if prob_keep_change < 1 else True if not keep_change: _unassign_domains(domains_new, original_sequences) eval_set.reset_new() else: # keep new sequence and update information about optimal solution so far eval_set.replace_with_new() if score_delta < 0: # increment whenever we actually improve the design num_new_optimal += 1 on_improved_design(num_new_optimal) # type: ignore _write_intermediate_files(design=design, params=params, rng=rng, num_new_optimal=num_new_optimal, directories=directories, eval_set=eval_set) iteration += 1 if params.log_time: stopwatch.stop() _log_time(stopwatch) _log_constraint_summary(params=params, eval_set=eval_set, iteration=iteration, num_new_optimal=num_new_optimal) print() finally: # if sys.platform != 'win32': # _pfunc_killall() global _process_pool if _process_pool is not None: _process_pool.close() # noqa _process_pool.terminate() if directories.debug_file_handler is not None: nc.logger.removeHandler(directories.debug_file_handler) # noqa if directories.info_file_handler is not None: nc.logger.removeHandler(directories.info_file_handler) # noqa
def _done(iteration: int, params: SearchParameters, eval_set: EvaluationSet) -> bool: # unconditinoally stop when max_iterations is reached, if specified if params.max_iterations is not None and iteration >= params.max_iterations: return True # otherwise if target_score is specified, check that current score is close to it if params.target_score is not None: if _is_significantly_greater(eval_set.total_score, params.target_score): return False else: # otherwise just see if any violations remain that are not fixed # (i.e., that might be correctable by changing domains; fixed violations are un-solvable) if eval_set.has_nonfixed_violations(): return False return True def _check_cpu_count(cpu_count: int) -> None: # alters number of threads in ThreadPool if cpu count changed. (Lets us hot-swap CPUs, e.g., # in Amazon web services, without stopping the program.) if cpu_count != nc.cpu_count():'number of processes in system changed from {cpu_count} to {nc.cpu_count()}' f'\nallocating new ThreadPool') cpu_count = nc.cpu_count() global _process_pool if _process_pool is not None: _process_pool.close() _process_pool.terminate() _process_pool = new_process_pool(cpu_count) def _setup_directories(params: SearchParameters) -> _Directories: out_directory = params.out_directory if out_directory is None: out_directory = default_output_directory() if not os.path.exists(out_directory): os.makedirs(out_directory) if not params.restart: import time time.sleep(0.5) # for some reason often get file write errors without this pause _clear_directory(out_directory, params.force_overwrite) directories = _Directories(out=out_directory, debug=params.debug_log_file, info=params.info_log_file) for subdir in directories.all_subdirectories(params): if not os.path.exists(subdir): os.makedirs(subdir) return directories def _reassign_domains(eval_set: EvaluationSet, max_domains_to_change: int, rng: np.random.Generator) -> Tuple[Tuple[Domain], Dict[Domain, str]]: # pick domain to change, with probability proportional to total score of constraints it violates # first weight scores by domain's weight domains = list(eval_set.domain_to_score.keys()) scores_weighted = [score * domain.weight for domain, score in eval_set.domain_to_score.items()] probs_opt = np.asarray(scores_weighted) probs_opt /= probs_opt.sum() num_domains_to_change = 1 if max_domains_to_change == 1 \ else rng.choice(a=range(1, max_domains_to_change + 1)) domains_changed: Tuple[Domain] = tuple(rng.choice(a=domains, p=probs_opt, replace=False, size=num_domains_to_change)) # fixed Domains should never be blamed for constraint violation assert all(not domain_changed.fixed for domain_changed in domains_changed) # dependent domains also cannot be blamed, since their independent source should have been blamed assert all(not domain_changed.dependent for domain_changed in domains_changed) original_sequences: Dict[Domain, str] = {} for domain in domains_changed: # set sequence of domain_changed to random new sequence from its DomainPool assert domain not in original_sequences previous_sequence = domain.sequence() original_sequences[domain] = previous_sequence new_sequence = domain.pool.generate_sequence(rng, previous_sequence) domain.set_sequence(new_sequence) return domains_changed, original_sequences def _unassign_domains(domains_changed: Iterable[Domain], original_sequences: Dict[Domain, str]) -> None: for domain_changed in domains_changed: domain_changed.set_sequence(original_sequences[domain_changed]) # used for debugging; early on, the algorithm for quitting early had a bug and was causing the search # to think a new assignment was better than the optimal so far, but a mistake in score accounting # from quitting early meant we had simply stopped looking for violations too soon. def _double_check_violations_from_scratch(design: nc.Design, params: SearchParameters, iteration: int, eval_set: EvaluationSet): eval_set_from_scratch = EvaluationSet(params.constraints, params.never_increase_score) eval_set_from_scratch.evaluate_all(design) score_new = eval_set.total_score_new() score_opt = eval_set.total_score score_fs = eval_set_from_scratch.total_score problem = False if not params.never_increase_score: if _is_significantly_different(score_fs, score_new): problem = True else: # XXX: we shouldn't check that the actual scores are close if quit_early is enabled, because then # the total score found on quitting early will be less than the total score if not. # But uncomment this, while disabling quitting early, to test more precisely for "wrong total score". # import math # if not math.isclose(violation_set_new.total_score(), violation_set_new_fs.total_score()): # Instead, we check whether the total score lie on different sides of the opt total score, i.e., # they make different decisions about whether to change to the new assignment # if ((score_new # <= score_opt # < score_fs) or # (score_fs # <= score_opt # < score_new)): if ((_is_significantly_less(score_new, score_opt) and _is_significantly_less(score_opt, score_fs)) or ((_is_significantly_less(score_fs, score_opt) and _is_significantly_less(score_opt, score_new)))): problem = True if problem: logger.warning(f'''\ WARNING! There is a bug in nuad. From scratch, we calculated score {score_fs}. The optimal score so far is {score_opt}. Iteratively, we calculated score {score_new}. This means the iterative search is saying something different about quitting early than the full search. ' This happened on iteration {iteration}.''') sys.exit(-1)
[docs] def script_name_no_ext() -> str: """ :return: Name of the Python script currently running, without the .py extension. """ script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) last_dot_idx = script_name.rfind('.') if last_dot_idx >= 0: script_name = script_name[:last_dot_idx] return script_name
def timestamp() -> str: now = time_str = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S") return time_str def _restart_from_directory(directories: _Directories, design: nc.Design, params: SearchParameters) \ -> Tuple[int, np.random.Generator]: # NOTE: If the subdirectory design/ exists, then this restarts from highest index found in the # subdirectory, NOT from "design_best.json" file, which is ignored in that case. # It is only used if the design/ subdirectory is missing. # This also dictates whether rng/ subdirectory or rng_best.json is used, # so if design/ exists and has a file, e.g., design/design-75.json, then it is assumed that the file # rng/rng-75.json also exists. # If params.random_seed is defined, then the rng returned is None. if os.path.isdir( # returns highest index found in design subdirectory highest_idx = _find_highest_index_in_directory(, directories.design_filename_no_ext, 'json') design_filename = directories.indexed_design_full_filename_noext(highest_idx) rng_filename = directories.indexed_rng_full_filename_noext(highest_idx) else: # otherwise we go with contents of "current-best-*.json" design_filename = directories.best_design_full_filename_noext() rng_filename = directories.best_rng_full_filename_noext() # try to find number of updates from other directories # so that future written files will have the correct number if os.path.isdir(directories.sequence): highest_idx = _find_highest_index_in_directory(directories.sequence, directories.sequences_filename_no_ext, 'txt') elif os.path.isdir( highest_idx = _find_highest_index_in_directory(, directories.report_filename_no_ext, 'txt') else: highest_idx = 0 # read design with open(design_filename, 'r') as file: design_json_str = design_stored = nc.Design.from_json(design_json_str) nc.verify_designs_match(design_stored, design, check_fixed=False) rng = None if params.random_seed is not None: logger.warning(f"""\ When using the restart option, normally I use the stored random seed in rng_best.json so that the search continues with the same results as if it had not be stopped. However, you specified a different random seed of {params.random_seed}, so the results will be different than if the original run of the search algorithm had been allowed to continue.""") else: # read RNG state with open(rng_filename, 'r') as file: rng_state_json = rng_state = json.loads(rng_state_json) rng = numpy.random.default_rng() rng.bit_generator.state = rng_state logger.warning(f"""\ Using stored random seed from file {rng_filename} to produce search results identical to those that would have happened if the search had not be stopped.""") # this is really ugly how we do this, taking parts of the design from `design`, # parts from `design_stored`, and parts from the stored DomainPools, but this seems to be necessary # to give the user the expected behavior that the Design they passed into search_for_sequences # is the Design being modified by the search (not the Design that is read in from the stored .json) design.copy_sequences_from(design_stored) return highest_idx, (rng if rng is not None else None) def _find_highest_index_in_directory(directory: str, filename_start: str, ext: str) -> int: # return highest index of filename (name matches "<filename_start>-<index>.<ext>" # raises ValueError if none exists try: list_dir = os.listdir(directory) except FileNotFoundError: list_dir = None if list_dir is not None and len(list_dir) > 0: filenames = [filename for filename in list_dir if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, filename))] else: raise ValueError(f'no files in directory "{directory}" ' f'match the pattern "{filename_start}-<index>.{ext}";\n') pattern = re.compile(filename_start + r'-(\d+)\.' + ext) filenames_matching = [filename for filename in filenames if] if len(filenames_matching) == 0: raise ValueError(f'no files in directory "{directory}" ' f'match the pattern "{filename_start}-<index>.{ext}";\n' f'files:\n' f'{filenames}') max_index_str =[0]).group(1) max_index = int(max_index_str) for filename in filenames_matching: index_str = index = int(index_str) if max_index < index: max_index = index return max_index # keeping this code around in case we want it for killing parallel processes if necessary # def _pfunc_killall() -> None: # import subprocess # delim = '#' # logger.warning('\n' + delim * 79) # logger.warning('# attempting to kill all pfunc processes with `killall pfunc Pfunc`') # command = ['killall', 'pfunc', 'Pfunc'] # process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # output, error = process.communicate() # if output is None: # output = 'None' # if error is None: # error = 'None' # output_str = output.decode() if isinstance(output, bytes) else output # error_str = error.decode() if isinstance(error, bytes) else error # output_str = textwrap.indent(output_str, delim + ' ') # error_str = textwrap.indent(error_str, delim + ' ') # logger.warning(f'{delim} output from killall command:\n{output_str}') # logger.warning(f'{delim} error from killall command:\n{error_str}') # logger.warning('#' * 79) n_in_last_n_calls = 50 time_last_n_calls: Deque = deque(maxlen=n_in_last_n_calls) time_last_n_calls_available = False def _log_time(stopwatch: Stopwatch, include_median: bool = False) -> None: global time_last_n_calls_available if time_last_n_calls_available: time_last_n_calls.append(stopwatch.milliseconds()) ave_time = statistics.mean(time_last_n_calls) content = f'| time: {stopwatch.milliseconds_str(1, 6)} ms ' + \ f'| last {len(time_last_n_calls)} calls average: {ave_time:.1f} ms |' if include_median: med_time = statistics.median(time_last_n_calls) content += f' median: {med_time:.1f} ms |' content_width = len(content)'\n' + ('-' * content_width) + '\n' + content) else: # skip appending first time, since it is much larger and skews the average content = f'| time for first call: {stopwatch.milliseconds_str()} ms |''\n' + ('-' * len(content)) + '\n' + content) time_last_n_calls_available = True def _flatten(list_of_lists: Iterable[Iterable[T]]) -> Iterable[T]: # Flatten one level of nesting return itertools.chain.from_iterable(list_of_lists) def _remove_first_lines_from_string(s: str, num_lines: int) -> str: return '\n'.join(s.split('\n')[num_lines:]) def _log_constraint_summary(*, params: SearchParameters, eval_set: EvaluationSet, iteration: int, num_new_optimal: int) -> None: # If output is not scrolling, only print this once on first iteration. if params.scrolling_output or iteration == 0: row1 = ['iteration', 'update', 'opt score', 'new score'] + [f'{constraint.short_description}' for constraint in params.constraints] header = tabulate([row1], tablefmt='github') if params.scrolling_output and iteration > 0: print() print(header) def _dec(score_: float) -> int: # how many decimals after decimal point to use given the score return max(1, math.ceil(math.log(1 / score_, 10)) + 2) if score_ > 0 else 1 score_opt = eval_set.total_score score_new = eval_set.total_score_new() dec_opt = _dec(score_opt) dec_new = _dec(score_new) all_constraints_strs = [] for constraint in params.constraints: score = eval_set.score_of_constraint(constraint, True) length = len(constraint.short_description) num_decimals = _dec(score) constraint_str = f'{score:{length}.{num_decimals}f}' # round further if this would exceed length if len(constraint_str) > length: excess = len(constraint_str) > length num_decimals -= excess if num_decimals < 0: num_decimals = 0 constraint_str = f'{score:{length}.{num_decimals}f}' all_constraints_strs.append(constraint_str) # all_constraints_str = '|'.join(all_constraints_strs) # + '\n' + score_str + all_constraints_str) # TODO: use floatfmt per column to adjust decimal places row1 = ['iteration', 'update', 'opt score', 'new score'] + [f'{constraint.short_description}' for constraint in params.constraints] # iteration_str = f'{iteration:9}' # num_new_optimal_str = f'{num_new_optimal:6}' score_opt_str = f'{score_opt :9.{dec_opt}f}' score_new_str = f'{score_new :9.{dec_new}f}' row2 = [iteration, num_new_optimal, score_opt_str, score_new_str] + all_constraints_strs # type:ignore table = [row1, row2] table_str = tabulate(table, tablefmt='github', numalign='right', stralign='right') table_str = _remove_first_lines_from_string(table_str, 2) # first_newline = '' if params.scrolling_output else '\r' print(first_newline + table_str, end='')
[docs] def assign_sequences_to_domains_randomly_from_pools(design: Design, warn_fixed_sequences: bool, rng: np.random.Generator = nnp.default_rng, overwrite_existing_sequences: bool = False) -> None: """ Assigns to each :any:`Domain` in this :any:`Design` a random DNA sequence from its :any:`DomainPool`, calling :py:meth:`constraints.DomainPool.generate_sequence` to get the sequence. This is step #1 in the search algorithm. :param design: Design to which to assign DNA sequences. :param warn_fixed_sequences: Whether to log warning that each :any:`Domain` with :data:`constraints.Domain.fixed` = True is not being assigned. :param rng: numpy random number generator (type returned by numpy.random.default_rng()). :param overwrite_existing_sequences: Whether to overwrite in this initial assignment any existing sequences for :any:`Domain`'s that already have a DNA sequence. The DNA sequence of a :any:`Domain` with :py:data:`constraints.Domain.fixed` = True are never overwritten, neither here nor later in the search. Non-fixed sequences can be skipped for overwriting on this initial assignment, but they are subject to change by the subsequent search algorithm. """ at_least_one_domain_unfixed = False independent_domains = [domain for domain in if not domain.dependent] for domain in independent_domains: skip_nonfixed_msg = skip_fixed_msg = None if warn_fixed_sequences and domain.has_sequence(): skip_nonfixed_msg = f'Skipping initial assignment of DNA sequence to domain {}. ' \ f'That domain currently has a non-fixed sequence {domain.sequence()}, ' \ f'which the search will attempt to replace.' skip_fixed_msg = f'Skipping initial assignment of DNA sequence to domain {}. ' \ f'That domain has a fixed sequence {domain.sequence()}, ' \ f'and the search will not replace it.' if overwrite_existing_sequences: if not domain.fixed: at_least_one_domain_unfixed = True new_sequence = domain.pool.generate_sequence(rng, domain.sequence()) domain.set_sequence(new_sequence) assert len(domain.sequence()) == domain.pool.length else: else: if not domain.fixed: # even though we don't assign a new sequence here, we want to record that at least one # domain is not fixed so that we know it is eligible to be overwritten during the search at_least_one_domain_unfixed = True if not domain.fixed and not domain.has_sequence(): new_sequence = domain.pool.generate_sequence(rng) domain.set_sequence(new_sequence) assert len(domain.sequence()) == domain.get_length() elif warn_fixed_sequences: if domain.fixed: else: if not at_least_one_domain_unfixed: raise ValueError('No domains are unfixed, so we cannot do any sequence design. ' 'Please make at least one domain not fixed.')
_sentinel = object() def _iterable_is_empty(iterable: abc.Iterable) -> bool: iterator = iter(iterable) return next(iterator, _sentinel) is _sentinel
[docs] def default_probability_of_keeping_change_function(params: SearchParameters) -> Callable[[float], float]: """ Returns a function that takes a float input `score_delta` representing a change in score of violated constraint, which returns a probability of keeping the change in the DNA sequence assignment. The probability is 1 if the change it is at least as good as the previous (roughly, the score change is not positive), and the probability is 0 otherwise. To mitigate floating-point rounding errors, the actual condition checked is that `score_delta` < :py:data:`epsilon`, on the assumption that if the same score of constraints are violated, rounding errors in calculating `score_delta` could actually make it slightly above than 0 and result in reverting to the old assignment when we really want to keep the change. If all values of :py:data:`Constraint.score` are significantly about :py:data:`epsilon` (e.g., 1.0 or higher), then this should be is equivalent to keeping a change in the DNA sequence assignment if and only if it is no worse than the previous. :param params: :any:`SearchParameters` to apply this rule for; `params` is required because the score of :any:`Constraint`'s in the :any:`SearchParameters` are used to calculate an appropriate epsilon value for determining when a score change is too small to be significant (i.e., is due to rounding error) :return: the "keep change" function `f`: :math:`\\mathbb{R} \\to [0,1]`, where :math:`f(w_\\delta) = 1` if :math:`w_\\delta \\leq \\epsilon` (where :math:`\\epsilon` is chosen to be 1,000,000 times smaller than the smallest :any:`Constraint.weight` for any :any:`Constraint` in `design`), and :math:`f(w_\\delta) = 0` otherwise. """ min_weight = min((constraint.weight for constraint in params.constraints), default=0.0) epsilon_from_min_weight = min_weight / 1000000.0 def keep_change_only_if_no_worse(score_delta: float) -> float: return 1.0 if score_delta <= epsilon_from_min_weight else 0.0 # def keep_change_only_if_better(score_delta: float) -> float: # return 1.0 if score_delta <= -epsilon_from_min_weight else 0.0 return keep_change_only_if_no_worse
# return keep_change_only_if_better K1 = TypeVar('K1') K2 = TypeVar('K2') V = TypeVar('V') # convenience methods for iterating over 2D dicts def keys_2d(dct: Dict[K1, Dict[K2, V]]) -> Iterator[Tuple[K1, K2]]: for first_key in dct.keys(): for second_key in dct[first_key].keys(): yield first_key, second_key def values_2d(dct: Dict[K1, Dict[K2, V]]) -> Iterator[V]: for first_key in dct.keys(): for value in dct[first_key].values(): yield value def items_2d(dct: Dict[K1, Dict[K2, V]]) -> Iterator[Tuple[Tuple[K1, K2], V]]: for first_key in dct.keys(): for second_key, value in dct[first_key].items(): yield (first_key, second_key), value def key_exists_in_2d_dict(dct: Dict[K1, Dict[K2, Any]], key1: K1, key2: K2) -> bool: # avoid using the brakcet [] operator (to avoid triggering the default dict behavior if key1 not in dct.keys(): return False return key2 in dct[key1][key2]
[docs] @dataclass class EvaluationSet: # Represents evaluations of :any:`Constraint`'s in a :any:`Design`. # # It is designed to be efficiently updateable when a single :any:`Domain` changes, # to efficiently update only those evaluations of :any:`Constraint`'s that could have been # affected by the changed :any:`Domain`. constraints: List[Constraint] # list of all constraints evaluations: Dict[Constraint, Dict[nc.Part, Evaluation]] # "2D dict" mapping each (Constraint, Part) to the list of all Evaluations of it. # has keys for every (Constraint, Part) instance. evaluations_new: Dict[Constraint, Dict[nc.Part, Evaluation]] # "2D dict" mapping some Constraint, Part to the list of all new Evaluation's of it # (after changing domain(s)). # Unlike evaluations, only has keys for parts affected by the most recent domain changes. domain_to_evaluations: Dict[Domain, List[Evaluation]] # Dict mapping each Domain to the set of all Evaluations for which it is blamed violations: Dict[Constraint, Dict[nc.Part, Evaluation]] # "2D dict" mapping each (Constraint, Part) to the list of all violations of it. # (evaluation that had a positive score) # has keys for every Constraint # only has keys for Parts that are violations violations_new: Dict[Constraint, Dict[nc.Part, Evaluation]] # "2D dict" mapping some Constraint, Part to the list of all new Evaluations of it # (after changing domain(s)). # Unlike violations, only has keys for parts affected by the most recent domain changes. domain_to_evaluations: Dict[Domain, List[Evaluation]] # Dict mapping each :any:`constraint.Domain` to the set of all :any:`Evaluation`'s for which it is blamed domain_to_evaluations_new: Dict[Domain, List[Evaluation]] domain_to_violations: Dict[Domain, List[Evaluation]] # Dict mapping each :any:`constraint.Domain` to the set of all :any:`Evaluation`'s for which it is blamed domain_to_violations_new: Dict[Domain, List[Evaluation]] domain_to_score: Dict[Domain, float] domain_to_score_new: Dict[Domain, float] total_score: float # sum of scores of all evalutions total_score_nonfixed: float # for evaluations blaming Domains with Domain.fixed = False total_score_fixed: float # for evaluations blaming Domains with Domain.fixed = True num_evaluations: int num_evaluations_fixed: int num_evaluations_nonfixed: int num_violations: int num_violations_fixed: int num_violations_nonfixed: int
[docs] def __init__(self, constraints: Iterable[Constraint], never_increase_score: bool) -> None: self.constraints = list(constraints) self.never_increase_score = never_increase_score self.reset_all()
def __repr__(self): all_evals: List[Evaluation] = [evaluation for part_to_eval in self.evaluations.values() for evaluation in part_to_eval.values()] lines = "\n ".join(map(str, all_evals)) return f'EvaluationSet(\n {lines})' def __str__(self): return repr(self) def reset_all(self) -> None: self.evaluations = {constraint: {} for constraint in self.constraints} self.violations = {constraint: {} for constraint in self.constraints} self.domain_to_evaluations = defaultdict(list) self.domain_to_violations = defaultdict(list) self.domain_to_score = defaultdict(float) self.reset_new() def reset_new(self) -> None: self.evaluations_new = {constraint: {} for constraint in self.constraints} self.violations_new = {constraint: {} for constraint in self.constraints} self.domain_to_evaluations_new = defaultdict(list) self.domain_to_violations_new = defaultdict(list) self.domain_to_score_new = defaultdict(float) def evaluate_all(self, design: Design) -> None: # called on all parts of the design and sets self.evaluations self.reset_all() for constraint in self.constraints: self.evaluate_constraint(constraint, design, None, None) self.domain_to_score = EvaluationSet.sum_domain_scores(self.domain_to_violations) self.update_scores_and_counts() # _assert_violations_are_accurate(self.evaluations, self.violations) def evaluate_new(self, design: Design, domains_new: Tuple[Domain]) -> None: # called only on changed parts of the design and sets self.evaluations_new # does quit early optimization since this is only called when comparing to an existing set of evals self.reset_new() score_gap = None if self.never_increase_score: score_gap = self.calculate_initial_score_gap(design, domains_new) for constraint in self.constraints: score_gap = self.evaluate_constraint(constraint, design, score_gap, domains_new) if score_gap is not None and _is_significantly_greater(0.0, score_gap): break self.domain_to_score_new = EvaluationSet.sum_domain_scores(self.domain_to_violations_new) @staticmethod def sum_domain_scores(domain_to_violations: Dict[Domain, List[Evaluation]]) -> Dict[Domain, float]: # NOTE: this filters out the fixed domains, # but we keep them in eval_set for the sake of reports domain_to_score = { domain: sum(violation.score for violation in domain_violations) for domain, domain_violations in domain_to_violations.items() if not domain.fixed } return domain_to_score def calculate_score_gap(self, fixed: bool | None = None) -> float | None: # fixed is None (all violations), True (fixed violations), or False (nonfixed violations) # total score of evaluations - total score of new evaluations assert len(self.evaluations) > 0 total_gap = 0.0 for ((constraint, part), eval_new) in items_2d(self.evaluations_new): eval_old = self.evaluations[constraint][part] assert eval_old.part.fixed == eval_new.part.fixed assert eval_old.violated == (eval_old.score > 0) assert eval_new.violated == (eval_new.score > 0) if fixed is None or eval_old.part.fixed == fixed: total_gap += eval_old.score - eval_new.score return total_gap def calculate_initial_score_gap(self, design: Design, domains_new: Tuple[Domain]) -> float: # before evaluations_new is populated, we need to calculate the total score of evaluations # on parts affected by domains_new, which is the score gap assuming all new evaluations come up 0 score_gap = 0.0 for constraint in self.constraints: parts = find_parts_to_check(constraint, design, domains_new) for part in parts: ev = self.evaluations[constraint][part] score_gap += ev.score return score_gap @staticmethod def evaluate_singular_constraint_parallel(constraint: SingularConstraint[DesignPart], parts: Tuple[nc.DesignPart, ...], score_gap: float) \ -> Tuple[List[Tuple[nc.DesignPart, float, str]], float]: if len(parts) == 0: return tuple() num_cpus = nc.cpu_count() parts_chunks = nc.chunker(parts, num_chunks=num_cpus) def call_evaluate_sequential(partz: Tuple[nc.DesignPart]) -> List[Tuple[nc.DesignPart, float, str]]: partz_scores_summaries: List[Tuple[nc.DesignPart, float, str]] = [] for part in partz: seqs = tuple(indv_part.sequence() for indv_part in part.individual_parts()) score, summary = constraint.call_evaluate(seqs, part) partz_scores_summaries.append((part, score, summary)) return partz_scores_summaries global _process_pool if _process_pool is None: _process_pool = new_process_pool(num_cpus) lists_of_violating_parts_scores_summaries =, parts_chunks) parts_scores_summaries = [elt for elts in lists_of_violating_parts_scores_summaries for elt in elts] return parts_scores_summaries, score_gap def evaluate_constraint(self, constraint: Constraint[DesignPart], design: Design, # only used with DesignConstraint score_gap: float | None, domains_new: Tuple[Domain] | None, ) -> float: # returns score gap = score(old evals) - score(new evals); # if gap > 0, then new evals haven't added up to if score_gap is not None: assert domains_new is not None # ensure we are only using score gap when doing new evaluation parts = find_parts_to_check(constraint, design, domains_new) # measure violations of constraints and collect in list of triples (part, score, summary) results: List[nc.Result] = [] if isinstance(constraint, SingularConstraint): if not constraint.parallel or len(parts) == 1 or nc.cpu_count() == 1: for part in parts: seqs = tuple(indv_part.sequence() for indv_part in part.individual_parts()) result = constraint.call_evaluate(seqs, part) results.append(result) if result.score > 0.0: if score_gap is not None: score_gap -= result.score if _is_significantly_greater(0.0, score_gap): break else: violating_parts_scores_summaries, score_gap = \ EvaluationSet.evaluate_singular_constraint_parallel(constraint, parts, score_gap) elif isinstance(constraint, (BulkConstraint, DesignConstraint)): if isinstance(constraint, DesignConstraint): results = constraint.call_evaluate_design(design, domains_new) else: # XXX: I don't understand the mypy error on the next line results = constraint.call_evaluate_bulk(parts) # type: ignore # we can't quit this function early, # but we can let the caller know to stop evaluating constraints total_score = sum(result.score for result in results) if score_gap is not None: score_gap -= total_score else: raise AssertionError( f'constraint {constraint} of unrecognized type {constraint.__class__.__name__}') # assign blame for violations to domains by looking up associated domains in each part evals_of_constraint = self.evaluations[constraint] viols_of_constraint = self.violations[constraint] domain_to_evals = self.domain_to_evaluations domain_to_viols = self.domain_to_violations if domains_new is not None: evals_of_constraint = self.evaluations_new[constraint] viols_of_constraint = self.violations_new[constraint] domain_to_evals = self.domain_to_evaluations_new domain_to_viols = self.domain_to_violations_new for result in results: domains = _independent_domains_in_part(result.part, exclude_fixed=False) evaluation = Evaluation(constraint=constraint, part=result.part, domains=domains, score=result.score, summary=result.summary, violated=result.score > 0, result=result) evals_of_constraint[result.part] = evaluation for domain in domains: domain_to_evals[domain].append(evaluation) if evaluation.violated: viols_of_constraint[result.part] = evaluation for domain in domains: domain_to_viols[domain].append(evaluation) return score_gap def replace_with_new(self) -> None: # uses Evaluations in self.evaluations_new to replace equivalent ones in self.evalautions # same for violations # IMPORTANT: update scores before we start to modify the EvaluationSet self.total_score = self.total_score_new() self.total_score_fixed = self.total_score_new(True) self.total_score_nonfixed = self.total_score_new(False) # update all evaluations for (constraint, part), evaluation in items_2d(self.evaluations_new): # CONSIDER updating everything in this loop by looking up eval.violated self.evaluations[constraint][part] = evaluation # update dict mapping domain to list of evals/violations for which it is blamed for domain in self.domain_to_evaluations[domain] = self.domain_to_evaluations_new[domain] self.domain_to_violations[domain] = self.domain_to_violations_new[domain] viols_by_part = self.violations[constraint] if evaluation.violated: # if was not a violation before, increment total violations if part not in viols_by_part: self.num_violations += 1 if evaluation.part.fixed: self.num_violations_fixed += 1 else: self.num_violations_nonfixed += 1 # add it to violations, or replace existing violation viols_by_part[part] = evaluation elif not evaluation.violated and part in viols_by_part.keys(): # otherwise remove violation if one was there from old EvaluationSet, # and decrement total violations del viols_by_part[part] self.num_violations -= 1 if evaluation.part.fixed: self.num_violations_fixed -= 1 else: self.num_violations_nonfixed -= 1 self.reset_new() _assert_violations_are_accurate(self.evaluations, self.violations) def update_scores_and_counts(self) -> None: # return: Total score of all evaluations. self.total_score = self.total_score_fixed = self.total_score_nonfixed = 0.0 self.num_evaluations = self.num_evaluations_nonfixed = self.num_evaluations_fixed = 0 self.num_violations = self.num_violations_nonfixed = self.num_violations_fixed = 0 # count evaluations for evaluation in values_2d(self.evaluations): self.num_evaluations += 1 if evaluation.part.fixed: self.num_evaluations_fixed += 1 else: self.num_evaluations_nonfixed += 1 # count violations and score for violation in values_2d(self.violations): self.total_score += violation.score self.num_violations += 1 if violation.part.fixed: self.total_score_fixed += violation.score self.num_violations_fixed += 1 else: self.total_score_nonfixed += violation.score self.num_violations_nonfixed += 1 def total_score_new(self, fixed: bool | None = None) -> float: # return total score of all evaluations, or only fixed, or only nonfixed if fixed is None: total_score_old = self.total_score elif fixed is True: total_score_old = self.total_score_fixed elif fixed is False: total_score_old = self.total_score_nonfixed else: raise AssertionError(f'fixed should be None, True, or False, but is {fixed}') total_score_new = total_score_old - self.calculate_score_gap(fixed) return total_score_new def score_of_constraint(self, constraint: Constraint, violations: bool) -> float: # :param constraint: # constraint to filter scores on # :return: # Total score of all evaluations due to `constraint`. return sum(evaluation.score for evaluation in self.evaluations_of_constraint(constraint, violations)) def score_of_constraint_nonfixed(self, constraint: Constraint, violations: bool) -> float: # :param constraint: # constraint to filter scores on # :return: # Total score of all nonfixed evaluations due to `constraint`. return sum(evaluation.score for evaluation in self.evaluations_of_constraint(constraint, violations) if not evaluation.part.fixed) def score_of_constraint_fixed(self, constraint: Constraint, violations: bool) -> float: # :param constraint: # constraint to filter scores on # :return: # Total score of all fixed violations due to `constraint`. return sum(evaluation.score for evaluation in self.evaluations_of_constraint(constraint, violations) if evaluation.part.fixed) def has_nonfixed_evaluations(self) -> bool: # :return: whether there are any nonfixed Evaluations in this EvaluationSet return self.num_evaluations_nonfixed > 0 def has_nonfixed_violations(self) -> bool: # :return: whether there are any nonfixed Evaluations in this EvaluationSet return self.num_violations_nonfixed > 0 def evaluations_of_constraint(self, constraint: Constraint, violations: bool) -> List[Evaluation]: dct = self.violations[constraint] if violations else self.evaluations[constraint] return list(dct.values()) def evaluations_nonfixed_of_constraint(self, constraint: Constraint, violations: bool) -> List[Evaluation]: return [ev for ev in self.evaluations_of_constraint(constraint, violations) if not ev.part.fixed] def evaluations_fixed_of_constraint(self, constraint: Constraint, violations: bool) -> List[Evaluation]: return [ev for ev in self.evaluations_of_constraint(constraint, violations) if ev.part.fixed] def num_evaluations_of(self, constraint: Constraint) -> int: return len(self.evaluations[constraint]) def num_violations_of(self, constraint: Constraint) -> int: return len(self.violations[constraint])
def _assert_violations_are_accurate(evaluations: Dict[Constraint, Dict[nc.Part, Evaluation]], violations: Dict[Constraint, Dict[nc.Part, Evaluation]]) -> None: # go through all violations and ensure the violations in it are all in evaluations for (constraint, part), viol in items_2d(violations): assert constraint in evaluations.keys() evals_by_part = evaluations[constraint] assert part in evals_by_part.keys() ev = evals_by_part[part] assert viol == ev assert viol.violated # also assert that they really are violated # now go in reverse and ensure the keys in evaluations not in violations are all not violated for (constraint, part), ev in items_2d(evaluations): if part in violations[constraint].keys(): viol = violations[constraint][part] assert viol == ev assert ev.violated else: assert not ev.violated
[docs] @dataclass class Evaluation(Generic[DesignPart]): # Represents an evaluation of a single :any:`Constraint` in a :any:`Design`. # The "part" of the :any:`Design` that was evaluated for the constraint is generic type `DesignPart` # (e.g., for :any:`StrandPairConstraint`, DesignPart = :any:`Pair` [:any:`Strand`]). constraint: Constraint # :any:`Constraint` that was evaluated to result in this :any:`Evaluation`. violated: bool # whether the :any:`Constraint` was violated last time it was evaluated part: DesignPart # DesignPart that caused this violation domains: FrozenSet[Domain] # = field(init=False, hash=False, compare=False, default=None) # :any:`Domain`'s that were involved in violating :py:data:`Evaluation.constraint` summary: str score: float result: nc.Result
[docs] def __init__(self, constraint: Constraint, violated: bool, part: DesignPart, domains: Iterable[Domain], score: float, summary: str, result: nc.Result) -> None: # constraint: # :any:`Constraint` that was violated to result in this # domains: # :any:`Domain`'s that were involved in violating :py:data:`Evaluation.constraint` # score: # total "score" of this violation, typically something like an excess energy over a # threshold, squared, multiplied by the :data:`Constraint.weight` self.constraint = constraint self.violated = violated self.part = part = frozenset(domains) self.score = score self.summary = summary self.result = result
# object.__setattr__(self, 'constraint', constraint) # object.__setattr__(self, 'violated', violated) # object.__setattr__(self, 'part', part) # domains_frozen = frozenset(domains) # object.__setattr__(self, 'domains', domains_frozen) # object.__setattr__(self, 'score', score) # object.__setattr__(self, 'summary', summary) # object.__setattr__(self, 'result', result) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'Evaluation({self.constraint.short_description}, score={self.score:.2f}, ' \ f'summary={self.summary}, violated={self.violated})' def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self) # Evaluation equality based on identity; different Evaluations in memory are considered different, # even if all data between them matches. Don't create the same Evaluation twice! def __hash__(self): return super().__hash__() def __eq__(self, other): return self is other
#################################################################################### # report generating functions
[docs] def create_constraints_report(design: nc.Design, constraints: Iterable[Constraint], report_only_violations: bool = False, include_only_with_values: bool = False) -> ConstraintsReport: """ Returns :any:`ConstraintsReport`, where its :data:`ConstraintsReport.reports` field has one :any:`ConstraintReport` for each :any:`Constraint` in `constraints`, indicating how well `design` does according to `constraints`, assuming `design` has sequences assigned to it, for example, if it was read using :meth:`constraints.Design.from_design_file` from a design.json file written as part of a call to :meth:`search_for_sequences`. The report contains the same information as written in the return value of :meth:`summary_of_constraints`, but in a more structred format using :any:`ConstraintReport` objects rather than just text. (:meth:`summary_of_constraints` calls the method :meth:`ConstraintReport.content` on each :any:`ConstraintReport` object). :param design: the :any:`constraints.Design`, with sequences assigned to all :any:`Domain`'s :param constraints: the list of :any:`constraints.Constraint`'s to evaluate in the report :param report_only_violations: if True, lists only violations of constraints :param include_only_with_values: if True, lists only constraints with "values" specified in the Results :return: :any:`ConstraintsReport` describing a report of how well `design` does according to `constraints` """ eval_set = EvaluationSet(constraints, False) eval_set.evaluate_all(design) reports = [ConstraintReport(constraint, eval_set, report_only_violations) for constraint in constraints] constraints_report = ConstraintsReport( reports=reports, total_score=eval_set.total_score, total_score_fixed=eval_set.total_score_fixed, total_score_nonfixed=eval_set.total_score_nonfixed, num_evaluations=eval_set.num_evaluations, num_violations=eval_set.num_violations, ) if include_only_with_values: constraints_report.filter_no_values() return constraints_report
[docs] def create_text_report(design: nc.Design, constraints: Iterable[Constraint], report_only_violations: bool = False, include_scores: bool = False) -> str: """ Returns text string containing report of how well `design` does according to `constraints`, assuming `design` has sequences assigned to it, for example, if it was read using :meth:`constraints.Design.from_design_file` from a design.json file written as part of a call to :meth:`search_for_sequences`. The report is the same format as written to the reports generated when calling :meth:`search_for_sequences`. :param design: the :any:`constraints.Design`, with sequences assigned to all :any:`Domain`'s :param constraints: the list of :any:`constraints.Constraint`'s to evaluate in the report :param report_only_violations: if True, lists only violations of constraints :param include_scores: whether to include the "scores" for each evaluation, which are numbers the search in :meth:`search_for_sequences` is trying to minimize :return: string describing a report of how well `design` does according to `constraints` """ constraints_report = create_constraints_report(design=design, constraints=constraints, report_only_violations=report_only_violations) summaries = [report.content(include_scores) for report in constraints_report.reports] score = constraints_report.total_score score_unfixed = constraints_report.total_score_nonfixed score_total_summary = f'total score of constraint violations: {score:.2f}' score_unfixed_summary = f'total score of unfixed constraint violations: {score_unfixed:.2f}' score_summaries = (score_total_summary + '\n' + (score_unfixed_summary + '\n\n' if score_unfixed != score else '\n')) \ if include_scores else '\n' summary = (f'total evaluations: {constraints_report.num_evaluations}\n' f'total violations: {constraints_report.num_violations}\n' + score_summaries + '\n\n'.join(summaries)) return f'''\ Report on constraints ===================== ''' + summary
# does essentially the same thing as create_text_report, but is used internally in the search # assuming we already have an evaluation set with constraints evaluated; maybe there's an elegant # way to share code, but currently ConstraintsReport does not contain the EvaluationSet that is # used to populate it. def summary_of_constraints(constraints: Iterable[Constraint], report_only_violations: bool, eval_set: EvaluationSet) -> str: summaries: List[str] = [] # other constraints for constraint in constraints: report = ConstraintReport(constraint, eval_set, report_only_violations) summary = report.content(include_scores=True) summaries.append(summary) score = eval_set.total_score score_unfixed = eval_set.total_score_nonfixed score_total_summary = f'total score of constraint violations: {score:.2f}' score_unfixed_summary = f'total score of unfixed constraint violations: {score_unfixed:.2f}' summary = (f'total evaluations: {eval_set.num_evaluations}\n' f'total violations: {eval_set.num_violations}\n' + score_total_summary + '\n' + (score_unfixed_summary + '\n\n' if score_unfixed != score else '\n') + '\n\n'.join(summaries)) return f'''\ Report on constraints ===================== ''' + summary def _value_from_constraint_dict(dct: V | Dict[str | Constraint, V], constraint: Constraint, default_value: V, klass: type) -> V: # useful for many parameters in display_report, # where they can either be a single value to use for all constraints, # or dict mapping a constraint key (or its short_description or description) # to a value to use for that constraint. # if dct is of type the value we want to return, just return it if isinstance(dct, klass): return dct # otherwise look up value in dictionary, trying various keys associated to the constraint assert isinstance(dct, dict) value = default_value if constraint in dct: value = dct[constraint] elif constraint.short_description in dct: value = dct[constraint.short_description] elif constraint.description in dct: value = dct[constraint.description] return value _default_num_bins = 10 _default_yscale = 'linear'
[docs] def display_report(design: nc.Design, constraints: Iterable[Constraint], report_only_violations: bool = False, layout: Literal['horz', 'vert'] = 'vert', xlims: None | Tuple[float, float] | Dict[str | Constraint, None | Tuple[float, float]] = None, ylims: None | Tuple[float, float] | Dict[str | Constraint, None | Tuple[float, float]] = None, yscales: Literal['log', 'linear', 'symlog'] | Dict[str | Constraint, Literal['log', 'linear', 'symlog']] = _default_yscale, bins: int | Dict[str | Constraint, int] = _default_num_bins) -> None: """ When run in a Jupyter notebook cell, creates a :any:`ConstraintsReport` (the one returned from :func:`create_constraints_report`) and displays its data graphically in the notebook using matplotlib. :param design: the :any:`constraints.Design`, with sequences assigned to all :any:`Domain`'s :param constraints: the list of :any:`constraints.Constraint`'s to evaluate in the report :param report_only_violations: if True, lists only violations of constraints :param layout: layout of plots. If 'horz', they will be laid out horizontally, which is smaller if you have several constraints, but might make it more useful for compare results of different choices of sequences if you call :meth:`display_report` repeatedly for different sequences assigned to `design` :param xlims: If specified, is either a single pair of floats to use as the argument to matplotlib.pyplot.xlim: or to specify different xlim values for different constraints, can be a dict mapping :any:`Constraint` (or for conveience, string in the fields :data:`Constraint.short_description` or :data:`Constraint.description`) to an xlim pair of floats. :param ylims: Same as parameter `xlims` but for argument to matplotlib.pyplot.ylim: Can either be a single value to apply to all charts, or a dict mapping a constraint to a value, with the same rules as `xlims`. Also, rather than being a pair of floats, it can be a single float (or the dict can map constraints to single floats), which is then given as the parameter `top` of matplotlib.pyplot.ylim. :param yscales: same as argument `value` to matplotlib.pyplot.yscale: Can either be a single value to apply to all charts, or a dict mapping a constraint to a value, with the same rules as `xlims` :param bins: same as argument `bins` to matplotlib.pyplot.hist: Can either be a single value to apply to all charts, or a dict mapping a constraint to a value, with the same rules as `xlims` """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from IPython.display import display, Markdown # noqa def dm(obj): display(Markdown(obj)) if xlims is None: xlims = {} if ylims is None: ylims = {} assert layout in ['horz', 'vert'] constraints_report = create_constraints_report(design, constraints, report_only_violations, include_only_with_values=False) # divide into constraints with values (put in histogram) and without (print summary of violations) reports_with_values: List[Tuple[ConstraintReport, List[pint.Quantity]]] = [] reports_without_values: List[ConstraintReport] = [] for i, report in enumerate(constraints_report.reports): quantities = [ev.result.value for ev in report.evaluations if ev.result.value is not None] if len(quantities) > 0: reports_with_values.append((report, quantities)) else: reports_without_values.append(report) num_figs = len(reports_with_values) for report in reports_without_values: part_type_name = report.constraint.part_name() dm(f'## {report.constraint.description}') dm(f'### {report.num_violations}/{report.num_evaluations} (\#violations/\#evaluations)') # noqa for viol in report.violations: print(f' {part_type_name} {}: {viol.summary}') for i, (report, quantities) in enumerate(reports_with_values): quantities = [ev.result.value for ev in report.evaluations if ev.result.value is not None] assert len(quantities) > 0 # convert pint.Quantity to unitless magnitude to avoid UnitStrippedWarning when calling py.hist values = [q.magnitude for q in quantities] yscale = _value_from_constraint_dict(yscales, report.constraint, _default_yscale, str) # type: ignore if layout == 'horz': plt.subplot(1, num_figs, i + 1) num_bins = _value_from_constraint_dict(bins, report.constraint, _default_num_bins, int) # print(f'{sorted(list(map(float, values)))=}') _, __, ___ = plt.hist( values, bins=num_bins, edgecolor='black', ) plt.yscale(yscale) # see if user set custom x limits for this constraint # not sure why getting mypy error on next line xlim = _value_from_constraint_dict(xlims, report.constraint, None, tuple) # type:ignore if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(xlim) if isinstance(ylims, (int, float)): plt.ylim(top=ylims) else: ylim = _value_from_constraint_dict(ylims, report.constraint, None, tuple) # type:ignore if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim) # label x-axis with units (e.g., kilocalorie / mole) unit = str(quantities[0].units) plt.xlabel(unit) plt.title(report.constraint.description) if layout == 'vert': if layout == 'horz': plt.tight_layout(rect=(0, 0, max(1, num_figs), 1))
[docs] @dataclass class ConstraintsReport: """Represents a report on how well a design did on all constraints.""" reports: List[ConstraintReport] """Has one :any:`ConstraintReport` per :any:`Constraint` evaluated.""" num_evaluations: int """Total number of evaluations of all :any:`Constraint`'s.""" num_violations: int """Total number of evaluations of all :any:`Constraint`'s that were violated.""" total_score: float """ Total "score" of evaluations of all :any:`Constraint`'s (the score is what the search done by :meth:`search_for_sequences` is trying to minimize). """ total_score_nonfixed: float """ Total "score" of evaluations of all :any:`Constraint`'s that are not "fixed". It should obey :data:`ConstraintsReport.total_score` == :data:`ConstraintsReport.total_score_nonfixed` + :data:`ConstraintsReport.total_score_fixed` """ total_score_fixed: float """ Total "score" of evaluations of all :any:`Constraint`'s that are "fixed", meaning that all domains involved in the evaluation of the constraint have :data:`Domain.fixed` == True, so the search will not change the sequences of those domains (so it is not possible to satisfy the constraint for that evaluation). It should obey :data:`ConstraintsReport.total_score` == :data:`ConstraintsReport.total_score_nonfixed` + :data:`ConstraintsReport.total_score_fixed` """
[docs] def filter_no_values(self) -> None: """ Removes any reports on constraints that have no values. This is useful for plotting numeric constraints without having non-numeric constraints (such "domains_not_substrings") in the way. """ reports_with_values = [] score_removed = 0 score_nonfixed_removed = 0 score_fixed_removed = 0 num_evals_removed = 0 num_viols_removed = 0 for report in self.reports: if has_values(report): reports_with_values.append(report) else: score_removed += report.score score_nonfixed_removed += report.score_nonfixed score_fixed_removed += report.score_fixed num_evals_removed += report.num_evaluations num_viols_removed += report.num_violations self.reports = reports_with_values self.total_score -= score_removed self.total_score_nonfixed -= score_nonfixed_removed self.total_score_fixed -= score_fixed_removed
def has_values(report: ConstraintReport) -> bool: for ev in report.evaluations: if ev.result.value is not None: return True return False
[docs] @dataclass class ConstraintReport(Generic[DesignPart]): """ Represents a report on how well a design did on a constraint. """ constraint: nc.Constraint[DesignPart] """ The :any:`Constraint` to report on. This can be None if the :any:`Constraint` object is not available at the time the :meth:`Constraint.generate_summary` function is defined. If so it will be automatically inserted by the report generating code.""" num_violations: int """ Total number of "parts" of the :any:`Design` (e.g., :any:`Strand`'s, pairs of :any:`Domain`'s) that violated the constraint. """ num_evaluations: int """ Total number of "parts" of the :any:`Design` (e.g., :any:`Strand`'s, pairs of :any:`Domain`'s) that were checked against the constraint. """ score: float score_nonfixed: float score_fixed: float evaluations: List[Evaluation] evaluations_nonfixed: List[Evaluation] evaluations_fixed: List[Evaluation] violations: List[Evaluation] violations_nonfixed: List[Evaluation] violations_fixed: List[Evaluation] report_only_violations: bool
[docs] def __init__(self, constraint: nc.Constraint[DesignPart], evaluation_set: EvaluationSet, report_only_violations: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(constraint, (DomainConstraint, StrandConstraint, DomainPairConstraint, StrandPairConstraint, ComplexConstraint, DomainsConstraint, StrandsConstraint, DomainPairsConstraint, StrandPairsConstraint, ComplexesConstraint, DesignConstraint)): raise NotImplementedError(f'unrecognized type {type(constraint)}') self.constraint = constraint self.report_only_violations = report_only_violations self.evaluations = evaluation_set.evaluations_of_constraint( constraint, violations=report_only_violations) self.num_evaluations = evaluation_set.num_evaluations_of(constraint) self.num_violations = evaluation_set.num_violations_of(constraint) self.score = evaluation_set.score_of_constraint(constraint, True) self.score_nonfixed = evaluation_set.score_of_constraint_nonfixed(constraint, True) self.score_fixed = evaluation_set.score_of_constraint_fixed(constraint, True) self.evaluations_nonfixed = evaluation_set.evaluations_nonfixed_of_constraint( constraint, report_only_violations) self.evaluations_fixed = evaluation_set.evaluations_fixed_of_constraint( constraint, report_only_violations) self.violations = evaluation_set.evaluations_of_constraint( constraint, violations=True) self.violations_nonfixed = evaluation_set.evaluations_nonfixed_of_constraint( constraint, violations=True) self.violations_fixed = evaluation_set.evaluations_fixed_of_constraint( constraint, violations=True)
def header(self, include_scores: bool) -> str: if self.score != self.score_nonfixed: summary_score_unfixed = f'\n* unfixed score of violations: {self.score_nonfixed:.2f}' else: summary_score_unfixed = None summary_unfixed_content = "" if summary_score_unfixed is None else summary_score_unfixed score_summary_str = f'\n* score of violations: {self.score:.2f}{summary_unfixed_content}' \ if include_scores else '' summary = f'''\ **{"*" * len(self.constraint.description)} * {self.constraint.description} * evaluations: {self.num_evaluations} * violations: {self.num_violations}''' + score_summary_str return summary def content_no_header(self, include_scores: bool) -> str: part_type_name = self.constraint.part_name() some_fixed_evals = len(self.evaluations_fixed) > 0 summaries = [] num_violations_counted = 0 for evals, header_name in [(self.evaluations_nonfixed, f"unfixed {part_type_name}s"), (self.evaluations_fixed, f"fixed {part_type_name}s")]: if len(evals) == 0: continue max_part_name_length = max(len( for violation in evals) num_violations_counted += len(evals) lines_and_scores: List[Tuple[str, float]] = [] for ev in evals: score_str = f'; score: {ev.score:.2f}' if include_scores else '' line = f'{part_type_name} {{max_part_name_length}}: ' \ f'{ev.summary}{score_str}' lines_and_scores.append((line, ev.score)) lines_and_scores.sort(key=lambda line_and_score: line_and_score[1], reverse=True) lines = (line for line, _ in lines_and_scores) content = '\n'.join(lines) # only put header to distinguish fixed from unfixed violations if there are some fixed full_header = _small_header(header_name, "=") if some_fixed_evals else '' summary = full_header + f'\n{content}\n' summaries.append(summary) if self.report_only_violations: assert num_violations_counted == self.num_violations else: assert num_violations_counted == self.num_evaluations return '\n'.join(summaries) def content(self, include_scores: bool) -> str: header = self.header(include_scores) content_no_header = self.content_no_header(include_scores) indented_content = textwrap.indent(content_no_header, ' ') return header + '\n' + indented_content
def _small_header(header: str, delim: str) -> str: width = len(header) return f'\n{header}\n{delim * width}'