Source code for vienna_nupack

Contains utility functions for accessing NUPACK 4 and ViennaRNA energy calculation algorithms.

The main functions are 
:meth:`pfunc` (for calculating complex free energy with NUPACK, along with its helper functions
:meth:`secondary_structure_single_strand` and :meth:`binding`),
:meth:`nupack_complex_base_pair_probabilities` (for calculating base pair probabilities with NUPACK),
:meth:`rna_duplex_multiple` (for calculating an approximation to two-strand complex free energy 
that is much faster than calling :meth:`pfunc` on the same pair of strands),
:meth:`rna_plex_multiple` (which is even faster than :meth:`rna_duplex_multiple`).
"""  # noqa

from __future__ import annotations

import math
import itertools
import os
import logging
import random
import subprocess as sub
import sys
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, List, Iterable, Callable

import numpy as np

import nuad.constraints as nc

os_is_windows = sys.platform == 'win32'

parameter_set_directory = 'nupack_viennaRNA_parameter_files'

default_vienna_rna_parameter_filename = 'dna_mathews1999.par'  # closer to nupack than dna_mathews2004.par

default_temperature = 37
default_magnesium = 0.0125
default_sodium = 0.05

_cached_nupack_models = {}

[docs] def calculate_strand_association_penalty(temperature: float, num_seqs: int) -> float: """ Additive adjustment factor to convert NUPACK's mole fraction units to molarity. For details on why this is needed for multi-stranded complexes, see Section S1.1 of and Figure 2 of :param temperature: temperature in Celsius :param num_seqs: number of sequences :return: Additive adjustment factor to convert NUPACK's mole fraction units to molar. """ r = 0.0019872041 # Boltzmann's constant in kcal/mol/K (value on Wikipedia under Molar Gas Constant: # # r = 0.001985875 # Boltzmann's constant in kcal/mol/K (value on Wikipedia under Boltzman's Constant: #, not sure why different # from the Molar Gas Constant, but luckily it's not until the fourth non-zero digit) water_conc = 55.14 # molar concentration of water at 37 C; ignore temperature dependence, ~5% temperature_kelvin = temperature + 273.15 # Kelvin # converts from NUPACK mole fraction units to molar units, per association adjust = r * temperature_kelvin * math.log(water_conc) return adjust * (num_seqs - 1)
[docs] def pfunc( seqs: str | Tuple[str, ...], temperature: float = default_temperature, sodium: float = default_sodium, magnesium: float = default_magnesium, strand_association_penalty: bool = True, ) -> float: """ Calls pfunc from NUPACK 4 ( on a complex consisting of the unique strands in seqs, returns energy ("delta G"), i.e., generally a negative number. By default, a strand association penalty is applied that is not applied by NUPACK's pfunc. See `strand_association_penalty` parameter documentation for details. NUPACK 4 must be installed. Installation instructions can be found at :param seqs: DNA sequences (tuple, or a single DNA sequence), whose order indicates a cyclic permutation of the complex. For one or two sequences, there is only one cyclic permutation, so the order doesn't matter in such cases. :param temperature: temperature in Celsius :param sodium: molarity of sodium in moles per liter :param magnesium: molarity of magnesium in moles per liter :param strand_association_penalty: Add strand association penalty for a complex, related to converting NUPACK's mole fraction units to molarity. The quantity added is that returned by :meth:`calculate_strand_association_penalty` with parameters `temperature` and `len(seqs)`. For most constraints, which involve only one size of complex, this factor won't matter other than to adjust the energy threshold by the same factor. The factor depends only on the number of strands in `seqs`, but not on their sequences. However, this factor is needed for a meaningful comparison of energies between complexes of different sizes, e.g., to calculate equilibrium concentrations of complexes of various sizes. For details on why this is needed for multi-stranded complexes, see Section S1.1 of and Figure 2 of :return: complex free energy ("delta G") of ordered complex with strands in given cyclic permutation """ seqs = tupleize(seqs) try: from nupack import pfunc as nupack_pfunc # type: ignore from nupack import Model # type: ignore except ModuleNotFoundError: raise ImportError( 'NUPACK 4 must be installed to use pfunc. Installation instructions can be found at ' '') # expensive to create a Model, so don't create the same one twice param = (temperature, sodium, magnesium) if param not in _cached_nupack_models: model = Model(celsius=temperature, sodium=sodium, magnesium=magnesium, material='dna') _cached_nupack_models[param] = model else: model = _cached_nupack_models[param] (_, dg) = nupack_pfunc(strands=seqs, model=model) if strand_association_penalty and len(seqs) > 1: dg += calculate_strand_association_penalty(temperature, len(seqs)) return dg
def tupleize(seqs: str | Iterable[str]) -> Tuple[str, ...]: return (seqs,) if isinstance(seqs, str) else tuple(seqs) try: from pathos.pools import ProcessPool def pfunc_parallel( pool: ProcessPool, all_seqs: Sequence[str | Tuple[str, ...]], temperature: float = default_temperature, sodium: float = default_sodium, magnesium: float = default_magnesium, strand_association_penalty: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[float]: num_seqs = len(all_seqs) if num_seqs == 0: return tuple() all_seqs = tuple(tupleize(seqs) for seqs in all_seqs) first_seqs = all_seqs[0] bases = sum(len(seq) for seq in first_seqs) num_cores = nc.cpu_count(logical=True) # these thresholds were measured empirically; see notebook nuad_parallel_time_trials.ipynb call_sequential = (len(all_seqs) == 1 or (bases <= 30 and num_seqs <= 50) or (bases <= 40 and num_seqs <= 40) or (bases <= 50 and num_seqs <= 30) or (bases <= 75 and num_seqs <= 20) or (bases <= 100 and num_seqs <= 10) or (bases <= 125 and num_seqs <= 4) or (bases <= 150 and num_seqs <= 3) or (num_seqs <= 1) ) def calculate_energies_sequential(all_tuples: Sequence[Tuple[str, ...]]) -> Tuple[float]: return tuple(pfunc(seqs, temperature, sodium, magnesium, strand_association_penalty) for seqs in all_tuples) if call_sequential: return calculate_energies_sequential(all_seqs) lists_of_sequence_pairs = nc.chunker(all_seqs, num_chunks=num_cores) lists_of_energies =, lists_of_sequence_pairs) energies = nc.flatten(lists_of_energies) return tuple(energies) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: raise e
[docs] def nupack_complex_base_pair_probabilities(strand_complex: 'nc.Complex', # circular import causes problems temperature: float = default_temperature, sodium: float = default_sodium, magnesium: float = default_magnesium) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates base-pair probabilities according to NUPACK 4. :param strand_complex: Ordered tuple of strands in complex (specifying a particular circular ordering, which is imposed on all considered secondary structures) :param temperature: temperature in Celsius :param sodium: molarity of sodium in moles per liter :param magnesium: molarity of magnesium in moles per liter :return: 2D Numpy array of floats, with `result[i1][i2]` giving the base-pair probability of base at position `i1` with base at position `i2` (if `i1` != `i2`), where `i1` and `i2` are the absolute positions of the bases in the entire ordered list of strands. For example, with strands AAAA and TTTTT, there are nine indices 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, with positions 0,1,2,3 on the first strand AAAA, and positions 4,5,6,7,8 on the second strand TTTTT. If `i1` == `i2`, then `result[i1][i1]` is the probability that the base at position `i1` is *unpaired*. """ try: from nupack import Complex as NupackComplex from nupack import Model as NupackModel from nupack import ComplexSet as NupackComplexSet from nupack import Strand as NupackStrand from nupack import SetSpec as NupackSetSpec from nupack import complex_analysis as nupack_complex_analysis from nupack import PairsMatrix as NupackPairsMatrix from nupack import Model # type: ignore except ModuleNotFoundError: raise ImportError( 'NUPACK 4 must be installed to use nupack_complex_base_pair_probabilities. ' 'Installation instructions can be found at ' '') param = (temperature, sodium, magnesium) if param not in _cached_nupack_models: model = Model(celsius=temperature, sodium=sodium, magnesium=magnesium, material='dna') _cached_nupack_models[param] = model else: model = _cached_nupack_models[param] nupack_strands = [NupackStrand(strand_.sequence(), for strand_ in strand_complex] nupack_complex: NupackComplex = NupackComplex(nupack_strands) nupack_complex_set = NupackComplexSet( nupack_strands, complexes=NupackSetSpec(max_size=0, include=(nupack_complex,))) nupack_complex_analysis_result = nupack_complex_analysis( nupack_complex_set, compute=['pairs'], model=model) pairs: NupackPairsMatrix = nupack_complex_analysis_result[nupack_complex].pairs nupack_complex_result: np.ndarray = pairs.to_array() return nupack_complex_result
[docs] def call_subprocess(command_strs: List[str], user_input: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Calls system command through a subprocess. Assumes running on a POSIX operating system. If running on Windows, automatically appends "wsl -e" to start of command to call command through Windows subsystem for Linux, so wsl must be installed for this to work: ` <>`_ :param command_strs: List of command and command line arguments, i.e., to call ``ls -l -a``, `command_strs` should be the list ['ls', '-l', '-a']. :param user_input: Input to give once program is running (i.e., what would user type). :return: pair of strings (output, error), giving the strings written to stdout and stderr, respectively. """ # When porting the code from python2 to python3 we found an issue with sub.Popen(). # Passing either of the keyword arguments universal_newlines=True or encoding='utf8' # solves the problem for python3.6. For python3.7 (but not 3.6) one can use text=True # XXX: Then why are none of those keyword arguments being used here?? process: sub.Popen | None = None command_strs = (['wsl.exe', '-e'] if os_is_windows else []) + command_strs try: with sub.Popen(command_strs, stdin=sub.PIPE, stdout=sub.PIPE, stderr=sub.PIPE) as process: output, stderr = process.communicate(user_input.encode()) except BaseException as error: if process is not None: process.kill() raise error output_decoded = output.decode() stderr_decoded = stderr.decode() return output_decoded, stderr_decoded
[docs] def rna_duplex_multiple(pairs: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]], logger: logging.Logger = logging.root, temperature: float = default_temperature, parameters_filename: str = default_vienna_rna_parameter_filename, max_energy: float = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[float]: """ Calls RNAduplex (from ViennaRNA package: on a list of pairs, specifically: [ (seq1, seq2), (seq2, seq3), (seq4, seq5), ... ] where seqi is a string over {A,C,T,G}. Temperature is in Celsius. Returns a list (in the same order as seqpairs) of free energies. :param pairs: sequence (list or tuple) of pairs of DNA sequences :param logger: logger to use for printing error messages :param temperature: temperature in Celsius :param parameters_filename: name of parameters file for NUPACK :param max_energy: This is the maximum energy possible to assign. If RNAduplex reports any energies larger than this, they will be changed to `max_energy`. This is useful in case two sequences have no possible base pairs between them (e.g., CCCC and TTTT), in which case RNAduplex assigns a free energy of 100000 (perhaps its approximation of infinity). But for meaningful comparison and particularly for graphing energies, it's nice if there's not some value several orders of magnitude larger than all the rest. :return: list of free energies, in the same order as `pairs` """ # NB: the string NA_parameter_set needs to be exactly the intended filename; # e.g. any extra whitespace characters cause RNAduplex to default to RNA parameter set # without warning the user! # Note that loading parameter set dna_mathews2004.par throws a warning encoded in that parameter set: # WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric # full_parameters_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), parameter_set_directory, parameters_filename) if os_is_windows: full_parameters_filename = _fix_filename_windows(full_parameters_filename) command_strs: List[str] = ['RNAduplex', '-P', full_parameters_filename, '-T', str(temperature), '--noGU', '−−noconv'] # DNA sequences to type after RNAduplex starts up user_input = '\n'.join(f'{seq1}\n{seq2}' for seq1, seq2 in pairs) + '\n@\n' output, error = call_subprocess(command_strs, user_input) if error.strip() != '': logger.warning('error from RNAduplex: ', error) if error.split('\n')[0] != 'WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric': raise ValueError('I will ignore errors about "stacking enthalpies not symmetric", but this ' 'is a different error that I don\'t know how to handle. Exiting...' f'\nerror:\n{error}') lines = [line for line in output.split('\n') if line.strip() != ''] if len(lines) != len(pairs): raise ValueError(f'lengths do not match: #lines:{len(lines) - 1} #seqpairs:{len(pairs)}') energies = [] for line in lines: energy = float(line.split(':')[1].split('(')[1].split(')')[0]) energy = min(energy, max_energy) energies.append(energy) return tuple(energies)
[docs] def rna_duplex_multiple_parallel( thread_pool: ThreadPool, pairs: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]], logger: logging.Logger = logging.root, temperature: float = default_temperature, parameters_filename: str = default_vienna_rna_parameter_filename, max_energy: float = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[float]: """ Parallel version of :meth:`rna_duplex_multiple`. TODO document this """ num_pairs = len(pairs) if num_pairs == 0: return tuple() bases = len(pairs[0][0] + pairs[0][1]) num_cores = nc.cpu_count(logical=True) # these thresholds were measured empirically; see notebook nuad_parallel_time_trials.ipynb call_sequential = (len(pairs) == 1 or (bases <= 10 and num_pairs <= 20000) or (bases <= 15 and num_pairs <= 10000) or (bases <= 20 and num_pairs <= 5000) or (bases <= 30 and num_pairs <= 2000) or (bases <= 40 and num_pairs <= 1000) or (bases <= 50 and num_pairs <= 800) or (bases <= 75 and num_pairs <= 200) or (bases <= 100 and num_pairs <= 150) or (num_pairs < num_cores) ) def calculate_energies_sequential(seq_pairs: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -> Tuple[float]: return rna_duplex_multiple(pairs=seq_pairs, logger=logger, temperature=temperature, parameters_filename=parameters_filename, max_energy=max_energy) if call_sequential: return calculate_energies_sequential(pairs) lists_of_sequence_pairs = nc.chunker(pairs, num_chunks=num_cores) lists_of_energies =, lists_of_sequence_pairs) energies = nc.flatten(lists_of_energies) return tuple(energies)
[docs] def rna_plex_multiple(pairs: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]], logger: logging.Logger = logging.root, temperature: float = default_temperature, parameters_filename: str = default_vienna_rna_parameter_filename, max_energy: float = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[float]: """ Calls RNAplex (from ViennaRNA package: on a list of pairs, specifically: [ (seq1, seq2), (seq2, seq3), (seq4, seq5), ... ] where seqi is a string over {A,C,T,G}. Temperature is in Celsius. Returns a list (in the same order as seqpairs) of free energies. RNAplex is supposedly faster than RNAduplex, but less accurate since, compared to RNAduplex, " loop energy is an affine function of the loop size instead of a logarithmic function" ( However, in testing with random sequences, RNAplex can actually be SLOWER, for instance with 1000 pairs of DNA sequences each of length 64, RNAduplex takes 1.93 s on average, compared to 2.28 s for RNAplex. (tested using %timeit in Jupyter lab) This is with default parameters; using "-f 1" speeds up the computing time by about factor 5; in this case RNAplex takes only 0.41 s on average instead of 2.28 s. :param pairs: sequence (list or tuple) of pairs of DNA sequences :param logger: logger to use for printing error messages :param temperature: temperature in Celsius :param parameters_filename: name of parameters file for NUPACK :param max_energy: This is the maximum energy possible to assign. If RNAplex reports any energies larger than this, they will be changed to `max_energy`. This is useful in case two sequences have no possible base pairs between them (e.g., CCCC and TTTT), in which case RNAplex assigns a free energy of 100000 (perhaps its approximation of infinity). But for meaningful comparison and particularly for graphing energies, it's nice if there's not some value several orders of magnitude larger than all the rest. :return: list of free energies, in the same order as `pairs` """ # NB: the string NA_parameter_set needs to be exactly the intended filename; # e.g. any extra whitespace characters cause RNAplex to default to RNA parameter set # without warning the user! # Note that loading parameter set dna_mathews2004.par throws a warning encoded in that parameter set: # WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric # full_parameters_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), parameter_set_directory, parameters_filename) if os_is_windows: full_parameters_filename = _fix_filename_windows(full_parameters_filename) command_strs: List[str] = ['RNAplex', '-P', full_parameters_filename, '-T', str(temperature), '-f', '1', ] # DNA sequences to type after RNAplex starts up user_input = '\n'.join(f'{seq1}\n{seq2}' for seq1, seq2 in pairs) + '\n@\n' output, error = call_subprocess(command_strs, user_input) if error.strip() != '': logger.warning('error from RNAplex: ', error) if error.split('\n')[0] != 'WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric': raise ValueError('I will ignore errors about "stacking enthalpies not symmetric", but this ' 'is a different error that I don\'t know how to handle. Exiting...' f'\nerror:\n{error}') lines = [line for line in output.split('\n') if line.strip() != ''] if len(lines) != len(pairs): raise ValueError(f'lengths do not match: #lines:{len(lines) - 1} #seqpairs:{len(pairs)}') energies = [] for line in lines: energy = float(line.split(':')[1].split('(')[1].split(')')[0]) energy = min(energy, max_energy) energies.append(energy) return tuple(energies)
[docs] def nupack_multiple_with_sodium_magnesium( sodium: float = default_sodium, magnesium: float = default_magnesium, ) -> nc.PairsEvaluationFunction: """ Used when we want a :any:`BulkConstraint` using NUPACK (even though most of them are :any:`SingularConstraint`'s). Calls NUPACK (specifically, the function :meth:`binding`) on a list of pairs: [ (seq1, seq2), (seq2, seq3), (seq4, seq5), ... ] where seqi is a string over {A,C,T,G}. :param sodium: molarity of sodium in moles per liter :param magnesium: molarity of magnesium in moles per liter :return: list of free energies, in the same order as `pairs` """ def nupack_multiple( pairs: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]], logger: logging.Logger = logging.root, temperature: float = default_temperature, parameters_filename: str = default_vienna_rna_parameter_filename, max_energy: float = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[float]: # :param pairs: # sequence (list or tuple) of pairs of DNA sequences # :param logger: # logger to use for printing error messages # :param temperature: # temperature in Celsius # :param parameters_filename: # name of parameters file for NUPACK # :param max_energy: # This is the maximum energy possible to assign. If NUPACK reports any energies larger than this, # they will be changed to `max_energy`. This is useful in case two sequences have no possible # base pairs between them (e.g., CCCC and TTTT), in which case RNAplex assigns a free energy # of 100000 (perhaps its approximation of infinity). But for meaningful comparison and particularly # for graphing energies, it's nice if there's not some value several orders of magnitude larger # than all the rest. energies = [] for seq1, seq2 in pairs: energy = binding(seq1, seq2, temperature=temperature, sodium=sodium, magnesium=magnesium) energy = min(energy, max_energy) energies.append(energy) return tuple(energies) return nupack_multiple
[docs] def rna_plex_multiple_parallel( thread_pool: ThreadPool, pairs: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]], logger: logging.Logger = logging.root, temperature: float = default_temperature, parameters_filename: str = default_vienna_rna_parameter_filename, max_energy: float = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[float]: """ Parallel version of :meth:`rna_plex_multiple`. TODO document this """ num_pairs = len(pairs) if num_pairs == 0: return tuple() bases = len(pairs[0][0] + pairs[0][1]) num_cores = nc.cpu_count(logical=True) # these thresholds were measured empirically; see notebook nuad_parallel_time_trials.ipynb call_sequential = (len(pairs) == 1 or (bases <= 10 and num_pairs <= 20000) or (bases <= 15 and num_pairs <= 10000) or (bases <= 20 and num_pairs <= 5000) or (bases <= 30 and num_pairs <= 2000) or (bases <= 40 and num_pairs <= 1000) or (bases <= 50 and num_pairs <= 800) or (bases <= 75 and num_pairs <= 200) or (bases <= 100 and num_pairs <= 150) or (num_pairs < num_cores) ) def calculate_energies_sequential(seq_pairs: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]) -> Tuple[float]: return rna_plex_multiple(pairs=seq_pairs, logger=logger, temperature=temperature, parameters_filename=parameters_filename, max_energy=max_energy) if call_sequential: return calculate_energies_sequential(pairs) lists_of_sequence_pairs = nc.chunker(pairs, num_chunks=num_cores) lists_of_energies =, lists_of_sequence_pairs) energies = nc.flatten(lists_of_energies) return tuple(energies)
def _fix_filename_windows(parameters_filename: str) -> str: # FIXME: Here's the story: when developing in Windows, os.path will construct the path with Windows # absolute paths. But we need to pass off the computation to wsl.exe (Windows Subsystem for Linux), # which expects Linux-style paths (and has no idea what to do with 'C:\'). So we manually translate # the absolute path. But this is fugly, and we should be not using absolute paths in this way. for drive in ['C', 'c', 'D', 'd', 'E', 'e', 'F', 'f']: parameters_filename = parameters_filename.replace(f'{drive}:\\', f'/mnt/{drive.lower()}/') parameters_filename = parameters_filename.replace('\\', '/') return parameters_filename
[docs] def rna_cofold_multiple( seq_pairs: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]], logger: logging.Logger = logging.root, temperature: float = default_temperature, parameters_filename: str = default_vienna_rna_parameter_filename, max_energy: float = 0.0, ) -> Tuple[float]: """ Calls RNAcofold (from ViennaRNA package: on a list of pairs, specifically: [ (seq1, seq2), (seq2, seq3), (seq4, seq5), ... ] where seqi is a string over {A,C,T,G}. Temperature is in Celsius. Returns a list (in the same order as seqpairs) of free energies. :param seq_pairs: sequence (list or tuple) of pairs of DNA sequences :param logger: logger to use for printing error messages :param temperature: temperature in Celsius :param parameters_filename: name of NUPACK parameters file :param max_energy: This is the maximum energy possible to assign. If RNAcofold reports any energies larger than this, they will be changed to `max_energy`. This is useful in case two sequences have no possible base pairs between them (e.g., CCCC and TTTT), in which case RNAcofold assigns a free energy of 100000 (perhaps its approximation of infinity). But for meaningful comparison and particularly for graphing energies, it's nice if there's not some value several orders of magnitude larger than all the rest. :return: tuple of free energies, in the same order as `seq_pairs` """ # NB: the string NA_parameter_set needs to be exactly the intended filename; # e.g. any extra whitespace characters cause RNAduplex to default to RNA parameter set # without warning the user! # Note that loading parameter set dna_mathews2004.par throws a warning encoded in that parameter set: # WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric # full_parameters_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), parameter_set_directory, parameters_filename) if os_is_windows: full_parameters_filename = _fix_filename_windows(full_parameters_filename) # DNA sequences to type after RNAcofold starts up user_input = '\n'.join(seqpair[0] + '&' + seqpair[1] for seqpair in seq_pairs) + '\n@\n' command_strs: List[str] = ['RNAcofold', '-P', full_parameters_filename, '-T', str(temperature), '--noGU', '−−noconv', '-p'] output, stderr = call_subprocess(command_strs, user_input) if stderr.strip() != '': logger.warning('error from RNAduplex: ', stderr) if stderr.split('\n')[0] != 'WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric': raise ValueError('I will ignore errors about "stacking enthalpies not symmetric", but this ' 'is a different error that I don\'t know how to handled. Exiting.') lines = output.split('\n') dg_list: List[float] = [] for line in lines[:-1]: energy = -float(line.split(':')[1].split('(')[1].split(')')[0]) energy = min(energy, max_energy) dg_list.append(energy) if len(lines) - 1 != len(seq_pairs): raise AssertionError(f'lengths do not match: #lines:{len(lines) - 1} #seqpairs:{len(seq_pairs)}') dg_tuple = tuple(dg_list) return dg_tuple
_wctable = str.maketrans('ACGTacgt', 'TGCAtgca')
[docs] def wc(seq: str) -> str: """Return reverse Watson-Crick complement of `seq`.""" return seq.translate(_wctable)[::-1]
[docs] def free_energy_single_strand( seq: str, temperature: float = default_temperature, sodium: float = default_sodium, magnesium: float = default_magnesium) -> float: """Computes the "complex free energy" ( of a single strand according to NUPACK. NUPACK 4 must be installed. Installation instructions can be found at """ return pfunc((seq,), temperature, sodium, magnesium)
[docs] def binding_complement(seq: str, temperature: float = default_temperature, sodium: float = default_sodium, magnesium: float = default_magnesium, subtract_indv: bool = True) -> float: """Computes the complex free energy of a strand with its perfect Watson-Crick complement. NUPACK 4 must be installed. Installation instructions can be found at """ seq1 = seq seq2 = wc(seq) # this is a hack to save time since (seq1,seq2) and (seq2,seq1) are # considered different tuples hence are cached differently by lrucache; # but pfunc is a symmetric function with only two sequences, so it's safe to swap the order if seq1 > seq2: seq1, seq2 = seq2, seq1 association_energy = pfunc((seq1, seq2), temperature, sodium, magnesium) if subtract_indv: # ddG_reaction = dG(products) - dG(reactants) association_energy -= (pfunc(seq1, temperature, sodium, magnesium) + pfunc(seq2, temperature, sodium, magnesium)) return association_energy
[docs] def binding(seq1: str, seq2: str, *, temperature: float = default_temperature, sodium: float = default_sodium, magnesium: float = default_magnesium) -> float: """Computes the complex free energy of association between two strands. NUPACK 4 must be installed. Installation instructions can be found at """ # this is a hack to save time since (seq1,seq2) and (seq2,seq1) are # considered different tuples hence are cached differently by lrucache; # but pfunc is a symmetric function so it's safe to swap the order if seq1 > seq2: seq1, seq2 = seq2, seq1 return pfunc((seq1, seq2), temperature, sodium, magnesium) - ( pfunc(seq1, temperature, sodium, magnesium) + pfunc(seq2, temperature, sodium, magnesium))
[docs] def random_dna_seq(length: int, bases: Sequence = 'ACTG') -> str: """Chooses a random DNA sequence.""" return ''.join(random.choices(population=bases, k=length))
LOG_ENERGY = False def log_energy(energy: float) -> None: if LOG_ENERGY: print(f'{energy:.1f}') global_thread_pool = ThreadPool()
[docs] def domain_orthogonal(seq: str, seqs: Sequence[str], temperature: float, sodium: float, magnesium: float, orthogonality: float, orthogonality_ave: float = -1, parallel: bool = False) -> bool: """test orthogonality of domain with all others and their wc complements NUPACK 4 must be installed. Installation instructions can be found at """ if parallel: raise NotImplementedError() def binding_callback(s1: str, s2: str) -> float: return binding(s1, s2, temperature=temperature, sodium=sodium, magnesium=magnesium) if parallel: results = [ global_thread_pool.apply_async(binding_callback, args=(s, s)) for s in (seq, wc(seq))] energies = [result.get() for result in results] if max(energies) > orthogonality: return False else: ss = binding(seq, seq, temperature=temperature, sodium=sodium, magnesium=magnesium) log_energy(ss) if ss > orthogonality: return False wsws = binding(wc(seq), wc(seq), temperature=temperature, sodium=sodium, magnesium=magnesium) log_energy(wsws) if wsws > orthogonality: return False energy_sum = 0.0 for altseq in seqs: if parallel: results = [ global_thread_pool.apply_async(binding_callback, args=(seq1, seq2, temperature, sodium, magnesium)) for seq1, seq2 in itertools.product((seq, wc(seq)), (altseq, wc(altseq)))] energies = [result.get() for result in results] if max(energies) > orthogonality: return False energy_sum += sum(energies) else: sa = binding(seq, altseq, temperature=temperature, sodium=sodium, magnesium=magnesium) log_energy(sa) if sa > orthogonality: return False sw = binding(seq, wc(altseq), temperature=temperature, sodium=sodium, magnesium=magnesium) log_energy(sw) if sw > orthogonality: return False wa = binding(wc(seq), altseq, temperature=temperature, sodium=sodium, magnesium=magnesium) log_energy(wa) if wa > orthogonality: return False ww = binding(wc(seq), wc(altseq), temperature=temperature, sodium=sodium, magnesium=magnesium) log_energy(ww) if ww > orthogonality: return False energy_sum += sa + sw + wa + ww if orthogonality_ave > 0: energy_ave = energy_sum / (4 * len(seqs)) if len(seqs) > 0 else 0.0 return energy_ave <= orthogonality_ave else: return True
[docs] def domain_pairwise_concatenated_no_sec_struct(seq: str, seqs: Sequence[str], temperature: float, sodium: float, magnesium: float, concat: float, concat_ave: float = -1, parallel: bool = False) -> bool: """test lack of secondary structure in concatenated domains NUPACK 4 must be installed. Installation instructions can be found at """ if parallel: raise NotImplementedError() energy_sum = 0.0 for altseq in seqs: wc_seq = wc(seq) wc_altseq = wc(altseq) if parallel: results = [global_thread_pool.apply_async(free_energy_single_strand, args=(seq1 + seq2, temperature, sodium, magnesium)) for (seq1, seq2) in [(seq, altseq), (seq, wc_altseq), (wc_seq, altseq), (wc_seq, wc_altseq), (altseq, seq), (wc_altseq, seq), (altseq, wc_seq), (wc_altseq, wc_seq)]] energies = [result.get() for result in results] # print len(results) # print 'pair: %s' % [round(e,1) for e in energies] if max(energies) > concat: return False energy_sum += sum(energies) else: seq_alt = free_energy_single_strand(seq + altseq, temperature, sodium, magnesium) if seq_alt > concat: return False seq_wcalt = free_energy_single_strand(seq + wc_altseq, temperature, sodium, magnesium) if seq_wcalt > concat: return False wcseq_alt = free_energy_single_strand(wc_seq + altseq, temperature, sodium, magnesium) if wcseq_alt > concat: return False wcseq_wcalt = free_energy_single_strand(wc_seq + wc_altseq, temperature, sodium, magnesium) if wcseq_wcalt > concat: return False alt_seq = free_energy_single_strand(altseq + seq, temperature, sodium, magnesium) if alt_seq > concat: return False alt_wcseq = free_energy_single_strand(altseq + wc_seq, temperature, sodium, magnesium) if alt_wcseq > concat: return False wcalt_seq = free_energy_single_strand(wc_altseq + seq, temperature, sodium, magnesium) if wcalt_seq > concat: return False wcalt_wcseq = free_energy_single_strand(wc_altseq + wc_seq, temperature, sodium, magnesium) if wcalt_wcseq > concat: return False energy_sum += (seq_alt + seq_wcalt + wcseq_alt + wcseq_wcalt + alt_seq + alt_wcseq + wcalt_seq + wcalt_wcseq) if concat_ave > 0: energy_ave = energy_sum / (8 * len(seqs)) if len(seqs) > 0 else 0.0 return energy_ave <= concat_ave else: return True
_binaryGCTable = str.maketrans('ACTG', '0101')
[docs] def domain_concatenated_no_4gc(seq: str, seqs: Sequence[str]) -> bool: """prevent {G,C}^4 under concatenation""" for altseq in seqs: catseq = altseq + seq + altseq strength = catseq.translate(_binaryGCTable) if '1111' in strength: return False return True
[docs] def domain_no_4gc(seq: str) -> bool: """prevent {G,C}^4""" return '1111' not in seq.translate(_binaryGCTable)
[docs] def domain_concatenated_no_4g_or_4c(seq: str, seqs: Sequence[str]) -> bool: """prevent G^4 and C^4 under concatenation""" for altseq in seqs: catseq = altseq + seq + altseq if 'GGGG' in catseq: # print '|GGGG# seq: %s altseq: %s|' % (seq,altseq) return False if 'CCCC' in catseq: # print '|CCCC# seq: %s altseq: %s|' % (seq,altseq) return False return True